This, this would be the nicest and best method before we would have servers. (If we even gonna get them
. Host leaving can bee a really bummer. But i unterstand every Person on the Sprint too leave the Group before the game ends After the last man got knocked down. Im playing on some Kind of an Toaster. If i joined Quick play i am not interested too load 10 mins for a 100th of an chest that dropp no Red and statistics of an 3 min run i was Part for 60 sec and I find it dubios you are
Disbandig the Group pretty surely comes from the fact that if you play with less than 2 prepared you cant kick people in your Lobby reliably . Plus sometimes they que right back intoo you.
If Oure sienna runns through the drakegunfire and the LoS of 3 people , past an ratogre and intoo an second wave Cause she is greedy for green circles in legend , all while carry Ing a grim she snatched while firewalking through the knight and the ironbreaker who where going too pick it up . Id rather Start an new run . Perhaps with only bots before i earn this Person an Generals chest that just shat on my chances for an imp .
Host Need too bee able too kick . 1 Single no vote just Blocks it.
And there are people Out there on legend. That couldnt give a flying ^ thanks zensorship^ about this game. But they take imolation staff and go for most kills most ff damage by just cast Ing it on them self repeatetly …
Of course the majorety of legends Players are deccently competent and are somewhat friendly…
So friendly in fact they almost instantanious press no on kickvotes
Yes, obviously for anyone tech-savvy enough there will be ways around any kind of system. Not really relevant, considering how many people don’t even know what task manager is (not to mention console players).
… seriously? You don’t see any difference between someone dying with a grim, and a host quitting and disconnecting everyone?
Yeah I agree, dedicated servers or just proper host migration would ease a lot of this, BUT since we don’t have those some kind of regulation would help host ragequit to happen less often. It’s not a novel idea, plenty of other online games have something similar and it does help.
There are a lot of people who either can’t or shouldn’t be hosting games due to poor hardware or internet.
Tech-savy. Closing a game. Right… People who want to be jerks as hosts will find out about that, eventually. Those who want to be like that won’t be stopped by it, I guarantee you.
Yes, I do see a difference there, but I want punishment for that, too. Why is my arbitrary line what does and does not warrant punishment less valid than yours? How much it distructs the fun of someone is a very subjective matter.
So you’re just a good samaritan looking out for those poor souls who can’t or shouldn’t host and frequently get those awful hosts that constantly rage quit and deprive them of their hard-earned loot. If only more people were like you, the world would be a better place.
This is a more or less non-existent, irrelevant issue completely inflated out of proportion. Sure, it has happened to me, but you know what I do when that happens? Nothing. Nothing at all, because the absolute vast majority of games is completely fine and instead of brooding over the injustice that this no-good ruffian who just dared to deprive me of my loot and XP cannot be punished, I just find another game and play that.
The issue can be adressed by dedicated servers, and should be. The fact that this game has no proper host-migration, despite the fact that it is a game from 2018 and games have been doing that properly for a decade at least is somewhat unacceptable. I don’t see how implementing a full-blown penalty-system because of a handful of rounds get disrupted by an even smaller handful of butt-clowns is something that’s neither appropriate nor proportionate to the issue it presents.
Hey restarting is at least a punishment in it self.
But we all agree working host migration would be way better.
It’s not about the effect that the event has on someone else’s fun, it’s about the intent. Dying is something that happens in the course of playing the game and sometimes the person who died was carrying a grim. They usually didn’t do it on purpose as a way to ruin your game. On the other hand, hosts who drop games as payback for, say, dying with a grim, are doing just that.
That said, I agree that hosts dropping games just to be jerks isn’t something that happens all that often. Most people who play this game seem to be decent people.
That’s a perfectly reasonable stance to take, but my point is: If it is about how destructive it is to someone’s fun, that’s a very subjective affair. If it is about intent, then it has to be a system that can with certainty discern between intentional and unintentional behaviour. Any kind of “penal”-system has to provide that to be fair and just. If you cannot distinquish between those with certainty, it is injustice and only caters to your self-righteous lust for punishment and revenge.
I’m not suggesting that players should be able to punish each other. That’s never going to happen because there’s no way it wouldn’t be abused by the kinds of people who, if justice and fairness is the goal, would be the rightful targets.
I’d prefer something like the karma system that was mentioned earlier where hosts who repeatedly drop games would be identifiable by other players. If a player legitimately crashes a lot as a host, they should be tagged by such a system as well. If they’re crashing often enough for it to be a problem, they’ll stop hosting pretty quickly because they’re being hit just as hard as the rest of their team by the loss of the run and the emotional payoff that people get by punishing others just isn’t there.
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