T5 High Intensity Troop Gauntlet is so cool, pls dont nerf :D (But improved tier/affix system and choice?)


About Damnation High int, troop gauntlet : :heart_eyes:
Just want to share a positive feedback about new Troop Gauntlet in High intensity in Damnation level !

I ran as much as I could T5 High int Gauntlet these days and … It’s just so much better, it’s intense, basicly harder but manageable with a good team. And well, tbh It’s probably the only “difficulty” I enjoy playing right now. Thanks you for that.

It’s start to looking more challanging and fun.
For the record, I m playing mostly Psyker, we won T5 troop gauntlet High Intensity with premade group and with “random matchmaking”. And of course, lost a lot of these too ! But, it’s really cool to feel that you actually have to care about what going on on screen to win a Damnation mission (more than before at least!).

We farm gear, perk, trying build etc, and so far it was just to do mission in Damnation we can already do with fresh char 25+. Now, it’s feel a little more like we have something to confront to. And I hope it’s just a beginning. More please, Fatshark !

So, it may be an unpopular opinon, but please, please, dont nerf it ! :pray:
There is all kind of players, and some of us actually enjoy trying to do their best to not be crushed by relentless special, disabler etc. And for those who don’t, just don’t run these particular affix. There is a lot of other option (but not for those who likes it.). :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Suggestion :
About that ! Maybe, something can be improved about how “difficulty”, “affix” and “tier” are explained to the player.

Let’s be honest, there is HUDGE gap between Damnation low or normal, or even high int for that matter and high gauntlet.
And I have the feeling that some player could enjoy more the experience with a proper warning.

Including behind the same “quickplay” button Damnation low and damnation high gauntlet troop is confusing for most player.
Same goes for “choice” on mission map. We need to have more choice about what we want to run.

Tbh, I open mission board, if I don’t see High int T5 gauntlet troop, I just disconnect and go play something else. And probably, player who don’t enjoy this affix combinaison do the same when there is 2 High int gauntlet and 1 low and just want to play a normal game after all…

Why not let player choose their difficulty and affix with increased reward the more challenging they are ?
Another unpopular opinion : I think you, Fatshark, are right to not always let player choose their map, because we all know how it works these days :
Let players choose the easiest map with the more rewarding affix and it 'll become 90% of games played.

But we definitly need something to play what we want, when we want and proper advert to allow player to find the right balance they actually enjoy, whether it be hardcore gaming, casual, or chill.

And sorry about my english :face_with_peeking_eye:


It is absolute mayhem and i agree. It is great.
Dear FS, please more ofthat.

For anyone wondering how nutty High int gauntlet on damnation is:
During a 43 min run, my party encountered 278 specials overall.

This wasn’t the case in Vermintide 2 where we could pick the levels & difficulty. So why would it happen here?

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I feel like player are far more looking for efficiency raw mat(or gold :star_struck:)/run with higher chance of success than in VT2.
Probably because Darktide is a lot more grindy.
With perfect balanced map or/and balanced reward depending and how difficult it is, we should not have to worry about everyone playing the same map.
But it’s something I saw in other games. Forced rotation is not a perfect answer, but I think we need an answer to ensure all map are played, content isnt great already. Don’t want to wait for 15 min in matchmaking to play something else than the “meta map” for example.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like to be forced to play one map either. I m just thinking right now the game state may be not so ready for that.

Or Maybe forced rotation is too much. We could imagine something like “highlighted mission” with 50% more reward for a limited time on the mission board, and everything else/combinaison available at any moment.

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In part, because Vermintide 2 did a much better job of incentivizing quickplay by giving a reward bonus and by making quickplay the default option.
Darktide in comparison gives you almost negative reason to use quickplay since you can get missions with fewer rewards than a mission that has a secondary objective + special condition.
Darktide’s progression system is extremely grindy so quickplay isn’t encouraged. This could be (partially) solved by giving QP a bonus reward.

Because VT2 was a p2p game where host became a server. So it’s not a problem to let players make a choice.
DT have a dedicated servers wich running missions, so they need to make it scalable and so on because it’s more demanding to backend resources rather than just running 16 missions.
As well it leads to matchmaking overhaul and other things than can be affected by this.

T5 Hi intensity troop gauntlet is perfect.
I just tried 5 games with random and lost each one to combinations of specials just destroying us.
Please do not nerf I have not felt this overwhelming difficulty spike by enemies since I moved from malice to heresy.
Great work on the mode.

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If they heavily reduced the grind (you know, maybe just remove the locks) more players would just play maps for the challenge and stress test builds and skills.

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1.2x multiplier for all materials and currency rewards for doing QP and I’d probably do QP a whole heap, as opposed to now where I almost never do it.


As well as more exp and bring back yet another VT2 feature of having commendations chests (emperor’s gifts) every level beyond max.

I mean emp gifts are basically the equivalent of that anyway so may as well just make QP upgrade the quality of emp gift you get.

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I would say the level milestone “rewards” should probably be a high quality emperor’s gift. Make it exclusively an orange 380. Now all those +xp modifiers on curios are worth something :stuck_out_tongue: (Would still prefer them removed).