Sunder's description could use a bit more detail

The description says that “Your Energised Attacks have increased cleave”.

However, this description could use some more detail. I can’t read code so I can’t pinpoint what it exactly does, but I know a few things:

  • It seems to enforce a target limit of 3. With a Sunder powered swing, I can hit 3 ragers, 3 crushers, 3 reapers, 3 plague ogryns, etc.
  • The cleave value itself seems to be untouched. With a group of 40 poxwalkers which have all been knocked to 7 hp with a grenade, a sunder swing only kills 12 of them, which is to be expected with a 75% Cleave Targets powersword (11.5 cleave). Though, if I do smack into a few poxwalkers and then into some crushers, I can still hit two crushers.

I agree about the lack of description…

I really like sunder on my 2 PS…

The game is currently filled with that type of description, that leaves out important information (or in some cases is simply wong).
I started this list a while ago, attempting to point out all of the issues with descriptions.
Maybe they will fix it some day.

Tbh, the main advantage of sunder is in an horde. Your energized swings don’t stop at first elite…

That’s why sunder is, for me, better than slaughterer

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