Can someone explain the math behind Sunder for me please?

This is a blessing on the power swords.

Any help would be appreciated, was wondering if brutal mom or sunder would be best.

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increse cleave i guess, like what “wrath” or “savage sweep” blessing do in other weapons, but don’t know about the % that “sunder” gives you.

i used to use it, but either way it was’t that impactful as “brutal momentum+powercycler” does.

I just found this out per the discord, it allows you to ignore mass up to the max of 4. So basically every swing is 4 targets.

You don’t get the bonus that brutal mom does, but you don’t need to worry about missing weakspots either.

I usually go with slaughterer, since energized cleave is so powerful anyway, but maybe sunder is better.

I have power cycler 4, which is effectively mandatory once you get it, but the other blessing is a bit up in the air as to what’s best.

But I generally like slaughterer on the logic that I might be stuck in a spot where I don’t have time to energize a second time, and PS is moderately weak if you don’t.

So if I get one energize I can carry on swinging without it in a tough spot because I just got a massive power boost, and if I can energize I’m energized with said boost.

But is that wrong? Anyone find sunder better?

Sunder and Supercharged should have been one blessing since the only time this comes into play are vs enemies you will suffer bigly on cleave damage/2nd target/armor. And it isn’t even good vs big groups of Crushers anyway, having tested both types of Mk3s the BM procs into an armor mob are way more impactful and they’re literally just the killing blows. Giving you 4 first target hits on a kill is way better than the pitiful cleave damage this gives against like crushers maulers and bulwarks only. And in mixed mob situations where you think Sunder would have the edge the amount of trash giving even more free BM buries it further. Aka normal Darktide.

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It’s close to what you said later but there’s 2 main differences between the two:

  1. Sunder cleaves regardless of weakspots, iirc up to 4 crushers and basically any amount of anything else. It keeps on going even if it hits a bulwark shield which would normally stop the swing there (counts as 1 towards the 4 mass iirc). Its stagger from the energized swing carries through to each target, but the dmg falls off normally and quickly after the first few hits.
  2. BM requires weakspots and gets the +15% WS-bonus ofc, but stops dead on non-WS carapace or bulwark shields. But it has a special property where the dmg stays really strong even after several targets hit, so long as they’re headshots.

Between the two, BM is much stronger as long as you can get headshots. But Sunder is a lot more reliable and easier to use, and since the enemies come in different heights and animate all over the place putting their heads wherever, is generally a lot safer for its reliable CC.

I’ve tried both and personally I prefer Sunder, since Power Sword’s biggest weakness is how poor it does on defense. Sunder lets you easily manage almost everything without worrying about getting hit & interrupted unless from side or behind. But BM is obviously stronger and as long as you have similar enemy types and can headshot cleave all of them, it just cleans the board so much faster.

But ofc, Sunder is ultra rare and T4 only, where BM is much easier to get, so many don’t have the option anyway.


Detailed analysis, thank you.

I’m keeping Sunder as its already on my Psword with PC4. Just thought I’d ask if I should burn resources for a PC4/Brutal Mom

PC/BM is the way to go, especially if u use mk6, 3 lights attacks banish everything human size on the screen, and for crusher, maulers, mutis and bosses u can use the block attack combo.

I did testing with creature spawner.

With 15 poxwalkers you can kill 9 with sunder, 12 with BM with 4 energized and 1 regular light attack.

I’d rather use sunder for bulwarks and armor. This will let me use shredder nades as oppposed to krak.

I think Brutal Mom lets you kill more stuff technically as long as it’s weakspot kills, as @Elodie nicely summarized.

I’m team MK6 Sunder myself as I like cleaving through thick stuff and not worrying that something got staggered and didn’t line up for headshot.

It’s the better pick vs BM for Aurics IMHO, where mixed hordes are thick and having it slice through any crushers,bulwarks and elite companions is invaluable to me and my playstyle, on top of dropping a frag in the mix for bleeds and stagger.

I started playing with sunder more after the tree rework update #13 and PS re-buff after big nerf), then doubled down on it with the director update and stuck with it since.
P.S. AFAIK, generally for Brutal Mom ppl talk about MK 6 PS for horizontal light attack sweeps L1&L2, L3 being a bit more diagonal, this applies to Sunder as well.

P.P.S. It seems to reduce hit mass to 0.25 of its value, REDUCED_HIT_MASS_MULTIPLIER = 0.25
This seems to line up with the max mass and now reduced crusher mass of 3.125 and 4 units hit, in code and in-game (and hooking into funcs to see examines values and processed hits via trace mods), it’s late so I might be off on stuff (Perfect Strike and Rumbler/Kick Pierce too).

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Yeah as has been pretty much said already it really does depend on what role you want your power sword to fill. For trash mobs I think BM and slaughter are probably much of a muchness but BM pulls ahead a lot against bruisers who can be relatively slow to take down with Mk VI lights otherwise. I’d say slaughterer probably pulls ahead on dispatching groups of ragers mixed in with trash mobs by virtue of pure DPS, cleave and stagger increase against targets you’re not not gonna one shot (targets you can one head shot being where BM pulls ahead the most). Sunder will give you the most reliable CC against any group of targets. Worth noting that BM can help reach elite breakpoints from the WS damage but whether or not it’ll do that is gonna depend on the rest of your build/power sword stats.

I just got seprated from my team, ran into 4 crushers who thought I was cute.

Was able to kill them all with one shredder nade, my Psword with PC4/Sunder, and a well timed shout so I wouldn’t get pancaked.

I don’t think BM can quite do that. Since sunder doesn’t require weakspots to continue to cleave.

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