First of all, “Suggestions for winds of magic CONSOLE”? We are playing the same game hence any improvement/change to the game itself should be accessible to all platforms.
Most of your concerns and ideas are valid(they are nothing new as these have been mentioned multiple times in the past) but the only one that really pokes me in the eyes is the entirety of the buff section.
That is a rather ambiguous statement. You could do an entire thread just on this alone.
For example: Full Weapon Rebalance - The mod may not be available for console but my point still stands.
We agree here.
You may not agree with me here, but they really don’t. Every single one of them specialises in a certain area and not one of them feel like it can do everything
I don’t know what the beam staff is used to be like but I can tell you what it can do now. It melts bosses. Literally. As long it is not used as Unchained anyway.
We agree again.
Another ambiguous idea worth an entire thread. Make no mistake, I agree. But where do your, my and everybody else’s ideas line up with this particluar topic. Not to mention we have no idea where FS in relation to talents. This would be a huge discussion.
This would be a nightmare to balance. A cata run with this talent already looks like we killed a sack rat at every 3rd corner. Even if it is just one 1 extra healing per boss trigger, this would still be substantial. There is a very good reason why potion rarity and difficulty go hand-in-hand.
Uhhh… no. At this moment in time EVERY SINGLE career is a viable choice for legend. Cata is a bit more problematic however. Huntsman focuses on killing specials and elites. His boss damage is not great. RV can get you a good number of potions so running concoction is advised. One pot per horde with some melee action means you can reliably ult twice per horde combined with “Ranger’s Parting Gift” and you are set. Unchained currently is a relatively high skill level career that can perform well on cata. There have been many threads on how to improve/change her talents so I am not going to go into that. The rest of the careers do well on cata without complication.
Once again, ambiguous ideas. Buff… but in what way? Here is an entire thread JUST on FK: [Rework] Footknight, like an AVALANCHE! Is this really so?
I don’t play Shieldmaiden so no comment on it’s viability. The only thing I know about it is that it sees little use outside of weaves.
Unchained’s damage mitigation can only be matched with zealot. 50% DR as a passive and you can get Barkskin(40% DR). That means an overhead on cata with Barkskin procced would do 15 points of damage to your hp. Not to mention that running Dissipate with 60% BCR allows you to tank an ungodly amount of damage.
Shade with a single decanter conc pot with some stacks from barrage can melt a boss, apart from a troll, on cata in about 10 seconds. The same for BH but without the barrage stacks. With pretty good aim, no pots, you can down any boss on cata under a minute with Waystalker’s Piercing Shot. And I’ve already mentioned how the beam staff melts on both Pyro and BW. So we may disagree but I’d say the squishy careers do some hefty damage.