Suggestions for effective improvements for Vermintide 2

Purpose of this topic: Some examples to efficiently add/improve content in Vermintide 2. Again, this is sheerly my opinion.

• Adding content based on how much overall content there already is. (Multiplication versus addition)

For example, there are 15 different careers in Vermintide 2. Let us say there are 3 builds per career (combining talents and weapons). That would mean there are 15 * 3 = 45 different builds in Vermintide 2. Instead of adding a new career, case 1: A new build type could be added (new talents or weapons) so then there would be 15 * 4 = 60 builds versus case 2: 16 * 3 = 48 builds. I think this concept of multiplying content is more effective than adding content because in case 1, there are 12 more options for players with the same amount of work effort. The estimates stated are certainly not accurate, but I would like to stress the focus on the concept. This is what I would consider a more efficient approach to Vermintide 2 in terms of adding new content.

• Good example of efficiency (Weave quick play)

I think the weave quickplay, which I tried out yesterday, is a great and fair fix for all players. In this way, players can experience all weaves no matter the difficulty. Considering it was a small fix, I think so at least, it was a small change that enabled a lot more content for players that is extremely efficient. I hope to see more changes like this in Vermintide 2.

• More effective feedback system (Forums are bias for legend and legend+ players, no offense intended)

The feedback system for Vermintide 2 can be improved. I think, while looking at a lot of the other forum topics, most players are legend or legend+ and discuss current or new content. However, I think most other players need to be given a chance to express their opinions too. The advantage of the feedback forums is that Fatshark gets feedback from experienced players who know the game in-and-out, on the other hand, this leads to a form of bias. The result is a dlc such as Winds of Magic (Personally, I like WoM a lot, but it has received a lot of criticism from others which I do not think should be ignored). To improve this, I would suggest a survey, as they have done for the past two Betas, but to target all players for the game in general, and not just the Betas. Surveys can ask how many hours have been invested into the game and that would make a fair statistic on all players. That way, future improvements can be aimed for all players, especially the silent majority.

Overall, I think it can take the smallest changes, to make Vermintide 2 much more effective.

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