Suggestion: Remove low intensity

As it stands this modifier only serves to make the run boring. If I see a low intensity damnation map, I might as well play heresy cause that’s more of a challenge at that point.


Make it vanguard: more armour, less trash mobs.

Low intensity has no raison d’etre as is.


Tbf low intensity does have the benefit of allowing people to qualify for penances that want higher difficulties without worrying as much about being a drag on the team, its also a good place for people to ease themselves into higher difficulties for the same reason.


Is that a good thing? People who can’t do the penance on the intended difficulty still get the award?


Low Intensity seems neccessary for newer players to take the leap up into higher difficulties. This is overall good as that’s where you can expect most people to go. It’s easier with the same reward, so why not?

The majority of my games (diff4 and 5) dont have penance hunters. The only one I mainly have an issue with is the “beat the lvl in 20 mins”.

I prefer if the system was different, I’ve posted about combining both High intensity and Low intensity and making it Volatile, adding to the RNG experience.

My only issue is the transparency in matchmaking, I have a much higher rate of getting a complete team on “Low Intensity” than High or Standard. I am also waiting on one specific mission to be diff5 so I can finally play it.

I think this comes down to the matchmaking system and the maps we are forced to choose from.


Depending on the penance I suppose? I know I’ve seen plenty of complaints about class specific ones being anything from actively making people play badly to being impossibly tedious to clear.

The Sharpshooters ‘on overwatch’ comes to mind as the one that I unashamedly ran low intensity to complete without cheesing exploits. Doing it genuinely felt like rolling dice each mission for the eventuality that this time something wont quietly sneak up and tap you on the shoulder while youre trying not to be a complete drag on the team.


It´s a good entrance for those who can´t compete with the normal mode of difficulties. They can learn and adapt there. But atleast the achievements of “clear x maps on heresy / damnation” shouldn´t count on them.

It’s good for levelling toons and when you just want to relax. I don’t know about you but sometimes I need a warm up game.


I think it’s intended to entice players to try out a higher difficulty, who otherwise would stay in their safe comfort zone.

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it would be fine if the mission board system didnt suck, when my only choice for diff4 is low intensity i just log off because its just too easy to be enjoyable.

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That’s exactly the kind of penance that should not be able to clear on low intensity. It’s clearly there to teach you not to get hit on malice level, cheesing it will not teach you anything.

Literally the worst example you could come up with. You did not earn that penance.

I agree. I absolutely hate when 1 of the only 2 damnation choices is low intensity. Obviously not gonna play that boring trash.

We need more modifiers that were in vt2 such as vanguard and tzeech twins. And why is it just 1 modifier when in vermintide you had stacking modifiers.

That is the intended difficulty. Otherwise the penance would say “must be done on Heresy without low intensity condition”.

It’s fine to think it should be done in this or that way, but that’s an extra condition you apply outside of it’s intent. Anyone doing penances without any disconnect glitch has earned their penance. Simply by the fact that they earned it.

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Buddy i play damnation, knowing how not to get hit on malice is not my problem lol. Avoiding melee completely over the course of a 25min run is just a matter of probability rather than skill.

With all the opportunities to get tagged on the shoulder just once, you either run the probabilities again or you shove your head up your ass constantly looking backwards instead of even trying to contribute to the team (for a penance that already has you actively avoid melee).

If I’m going to force people in a public game to play with me like that, I’m not going to make it harder on them to inflate my own ego. FS set the terms and I followed it to the letter, I’m satisfied with that.


I really hope not.
Low intensity is the only condition that can quick queue in high threat level

In my experience, low intensity seems to have fewer horde spawns, but tends to have a lot more specials. I don’t know if this is actually the case, but it’s never seemed “easier” than a standard mission, because a couple times we’ve been completely overrun by crushers and maniacs.

The description says as much i think.


Oh wait no, went and read it again, less hordes AND specialists.

The problem is not the low intensity modifier, the problem is that there is so little choice what to play.
If fatshark gave like 4 or 5 option for each level of difficulty at least with different modifiers then this game would be much more interesting. Evrybody could choose what is their flavour.

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I like the low intensity missions for level grinding - especially if soloing with random squad.

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