As the title says, I think it’d be useful to be able to see more information about our characters on the select screen. Things like our equipped loadouts, our weekly progress, etc.
When I look at the character screen, my mindset is often “who needs work?”. “Work”, being weeklies to finish, weapons to try and replace or upgrade, etc. I play the game because the gameplay is fun, but the answer to that question is what gives my session a sense of purpose; A reason for playing this fun game today.
Showing people their purpose at the character select screen, whether it’s one you’ve designed into the game or one they’ve come up with themselves, immediately starts the session off in a positive direction. Make purpose more accessible.
In general, there is a lack of information and summaries at several levels:
in the selection of our characters as indicated above
in the preparation of the missions to be able to see the build of our team members (equipment and exploits)
During a mission via the tactical view (same thing: team build)
Currently, the only screen that really has a lot of information is the weapons screen.
There’s no indicator on what classes people are in a strike team in game (edit: in the Mourningstar), ogryn is obvious, psyker can be but when everyone is wearing the Imperial Edition mask you can’t tell at all.
When someone selects a mission, you can see what mission, difficulty, and conditions are, but not the secondary objective unless you click another button.
Just little QoL and UX stuff that makes me think none of the designers really ever played the game like players would.
On this subject, it would be a plus if the classes had predefined colors.
For example: blue psyker, red zealot, yellow Ogryn, green Vet. It would only be necessary to have a color chart of 4 colors to differentiate the characters in case of a mono class team.
So, at a glance, without having to look for the symbol, or in the kill feed, we can know what is the class of the protagonist
Yes in that case, it would be helpful to see the class name additionally to the info we currently get.
Alternatively, it could be displayed instead of the location of the player, since afaik the only possible locations are „The Mourningstar“ and „Character selection“ anyway (since meatgrinder boots you from the party).
True. It would be kinda nice to have class specific coloring.
If there were to be 4 unique colors per class (in case there are 4 players of the same class), the colors would have to be kinda similar per class, but different between the classes, for the grouping of colors to be intuitive. However, this would be pretty much guarantee to come at the cost of some people not being able to tell the in-group colors apart anymore (and become incredibly confusing, once more classes are released, if the colors are „subclass“ specific).
At least for the waypoints, above all, i find it to be important, to be able to tell them apart.
Alternatively, there could be 1 color per class (no matter how many players on that class) and additional to the color, each player could have a number 1-4 (displayed in the party interface, on the waypoint icon and on the icon above each player), which would solve the problem with the waypoints, and allow to see the class of each player instantaneously.
Blockquote However, this would be pretty much guarantee to come at the cost of some people not being able to tell the in-group colors apart anymore (and become incredibly confusing, once more classes are released, if the colors are „subclass“ specific).
In many games, there are options for people with color blindness to replace problematic colors with another game.
In a way, it’s not really a problem if the veteran’s color is a shade of green, blue, pink or purple, as long as the shades are all for the same class
This wouldn’t be a bad idea, but I’m more concerned about the information that’s missing in game. I’ve read a few articles about the weapon stats, perks, blessings and what they mean, but that’s silly. I shouldn’t have to go on a scavenger hunt to know what the perk on my weapon means. And I think it could be fixed fairly simply. Some hover info would be perfect. Hover your mouse over “+4% Impact on consecutive hits. stacks 5 times” and it should tell you what impact means and affects. We’ve been goofing on FatShark since closed beta about the weapon stats and perks.