Suggestion for a replacement for crafting while still keeping Plasteel and Diamantine useful

What if all locks were removed but we used plasteel and diamantine to gradually increase the stats of a weapon bit by bit? This gives players a growing sense of power and a sense of control of their weapons that they need to work towards.

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This, along with Vermintide’s Red Weapons, has been suggested earlier, and it’s an excellent idea.

That’d be an an easy solution for sure, doing something like DRG does without you upgrade weapons with resources. They could also use all the XP you generate after hitting 30 for something.

Unfortunately at a core fundamental level they’ve gone deep into the Gacha game-mechanics of RNG stats, RNG upgrades, RNG levels of upgrades, RNG availability, and RNG acquistion, all stuff inherently modeled to generate frustration and keep player interest through gambling mechanisms and FOMO. Fairly common with many live service or F2P games.

The problem is that frustration is generated in order for the relief to be monetized…and Fatshark hasn’t done that. There’s no cash option to break the locks, no economy sink to dump resources into except on more pulls of the slot machine, and no purpose to XP generation in the end-game. They’ve got the frustration generator but no outlet…and I have no idea why, but it painfully undercuts everything they put out.

Even the mission screen is RNG on mission modifiers available.

Cash option to break the locks…oh that won’t go down so well in response.

The thing is that people spend on cosmetics which have no effect on gameplay. Cash to break locks affects gameplay, so it would sell well at the same time as receiving backlash. I’ll laugh if they announce aquilas to unlock.

All the ideas in forum/poll have been given on a plate. Unlock completely, use dockets/plasteel etc to unlock, improve weapon stats using dockets/plasteel etc, red weapons with no locks.

By now all the players from 6-8 months ago and those who bought from release date already have the ideal weapons per class they want, probably some have completion and just play around with different blessings now.

So reality is that the people affected most would be new players - “Barrier to entry” to enjoy diversity. It really is few hundred hours - The kind of MMO commitment level. But it is new players they want to fund players who already bought they game for their server overhead costs. It hurts new players more than players that started months ago. So eventually they will be ones more vocal on this.

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