When I come to work during the week, I have about 2 hours to play games.
Due to time constraints, I can only complete the weekly quests for one character.
Sudden lost of interest after completing weekly quest… ← I don’t think this applies only to me, so I’m posting it as an issue.
After completing the weekly quests, I browse the special shop and general shop once a day and turn off the game.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the gameplay. Bolter is fantastic.
However, playing a very low reward game that takes 20-30 minutes feels like a waste of time to me.
Below is the solution I thought of, but I scribbled it as it came to my mind, so it will be subject to criticism. So I just want it to be a forum for discussion.
- Compensation for attendance check or daily 30-minute access time
- Daily quests that give special currency
(Difficulty enough to be cleared in 1-2 hours when one game is 20 minutes) - Emperor’s gift given after fake level up after level 30
- Special reward for the highest performance in a mission (in this case, no currency needed. Weapon rewards are good)