Sprinting cancels channels and the other way around

I don’t know if this is intentional, but with the new update, sprinting cancels charging for BB and staves, and charging cancels sprinting. This means that psykers can’t slide forward while charging up a purg or a BB.

Also, sprinting while firing the laspistol no longer works.

This majorly impacts the flow of psyker play.

Can’t find anything about this in the patch notes, except for the mention of a fix where sprinting affects fire rate of certain guns, so I assume it is unintentional, and therefore a bug.


I’m really hoping this is a bug because if it isn’t this removes a massive quality of life.

The most hilarious part is that if you hold both sprint and rmb down it just cancels each other out in this really jank fashion. This also causes problems if you sprint off a ledge/drop as you won’t be able to channel or cast until after you landed on the ground.

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