Something odd with it, like animations break key buffer quee I dunno. Sometimes if you press lmb after you stop sprinting than heavy stubber isn’t gonna shoot, however you can break your sprint with shooting.
Same with weapon swap, if you start holding lmb during weapon swap animation, then heavy stubber not gonna shoot after, you need to stop holding lmb and press it again.
If I understand your issue correctly - I have the same one with the stubber. Doesn’t always shoot right after sprinting, making it pretty awkward to use at times.
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Yes, you are right it’s a stubber, not a ripper gun.
I also have this issue. It’s especially frustrating after weapon swapping. Basically when swapping from melee to stubber you get the targeting reticle but you can’t actually shoot yet. So I think the animation is out of sync with when you can actually shoot. It leads to a really dissatisfying experience with the gun as there’s no way to actually know when you can start firing after swapping to the gun.