Ogryn - Stubber and Ripper reloads while un/bracing

The most frustrating thing about these weapons; When you’ve emptied your mag from a braced stance, the reload can initiate from there. However it tanks your movement speed, so it’s often beneficial to undeploy before reloading. It feels awkwards though - you’ll have often started off the reload by the time you think to do this, and un-bracing while doing so will cancel progress. I’ll often find myself staying in the braced stance to complete the first stage of the reload. I’d like if reloads couldn’t be interrupted by bracing/unbracing.

All weapons incur a movement penalty when reloads start, aggravates the hell out of me, it’s even worse when bracing because you’re already moving slow as hell and getting the debuff stacked onto you.

I think this is a good feature overall, but players should have the option of manual reloads, instead of being forced to do so if they have an empty weapon drawn, incurring that movement penalty.

Anytime I start a reload now if we are running forward I just instantly look right/left and side dodge forward a few times since I move faster side dodging versus that slow reload movement speed.

Bumping this because I’ve been using Ripper a lot recently. You can hit the mag, but if you release right click, you immediately stop and push the handle in and restart the reload.

This is frustrating and it would be better if the reload completed once started, regardless of holding right click or not.