What does bracing do?

I read this in the patch notes:

I feel like I should probably know this already since I’m basically a Columnus MkII main, but what exactly does bracing do?

I always assumed that it reduced spread at the cost of movement speed. is that right? It doesn’t seem to reduce it enough to make the reduced mobility and animation-induced downtime worth it, if that’s the case.

it increases spread but also increases stagger power. Never brace if you need to make precise shots.

It increases spread? Definitely wouldnt’ve expected that.

I suppose the idea is that they’re supposed to be useful for crowd control? I certainly haven’t noticed that stagger power increase whenever I do use it.

The bloom rate might decrease a bit compared to hipfiring, but the baseline cone definitely gets worse. IMO you’re way better off just shooting from the hip with a bit of trigger discipline 9 times out of 10.

I may have learned something here.

I do know though that as an Ogryn, bracing the ripper shotgun changes its fire mode considerably. Not that you’d ever slot roaring advance on the ripper.

And on the twin-stubbers, bracing afaik helps keep the reticule from dancing around during continuous fire. Walking forward while continuously firing totally feels like an Arnie moment. I still wouldn’t slot said blessing though. Moving quickly while firing generally doesn’t feel that necessary.


Increase spread but make it be flatter, which can be good when you’re shooting at groups of enemy

I mean, that’s what the change in reticle suggests that it does, it just doesn’t feel any different.

I think it differs between the variants. Mk6 has something like the Lawbringer special shot, so it’s almost perfectly horizontal*. I can’t remember exactly what the other too are like, but I think they’re both a fairly tight cone pattern?

*It may depend on the range you’re shooting at, I’m not certain. I’d have to check when I get home.

I think it also increases the fire rate. I really only ever use braced autoguns with my Zealot to soften up hordes before closing into melee, but it’s good for that and it feels cool to do.

Not necessary, but it is fun. I’d put it on my columnus if I could. The extra move speed might make braced mode worth using.

Git gud. My autogun is my melee weapon.


GItting good is never wasting a bullet on trash hordes. You have a melee weapon. Learn to use it.

I aint got time for that. Too busy having fun playing ranged-only.


He’s obviously talking about using the rifle butt alt fire to clear hordes :roll_eyes:


It’s a slow process, but it gets the job done.


On the Stubbers, it improves control and increases fire rate at the cost of movement speed.

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