Now that we can improve weapons to a maximum stat distribution as well as the locks having been removed there isn’t really much purpose for Sour Milk’s shop. The stat spreads aren’t any better than anything you can find in Brunt’s. If you want a proper stat distribution you can spam purchase Profanes from Brunt until you have a maximum stat spread of 80 the board on all desired stats with the 60 on your preferred dump stat on your desired weapon type. Additionally, Brunt’s resets faster if you’re seeking relics or don’t have the money to spam purchase.
The only use I can see for Sour Milk’s shop is for if you’ve just started the game and if you bust out all your challenges you can acquire an orange weapon fairly easily.
Am I missing something?
I think at some point Sour Milk is due for a rework or change of purpose.
The only use I’ve found in Melk now is finding weapons that have a higher likelihood of an “even” distribution, rather than being so heavily weighted to fit the 4x80/60 stats.
FS has stated that the melkshop is now more for newer players who don’t yet have access to everything and want to try out a maxed out weapon. Say you don’t have any levels in Crusher mastery but you want to try it out, so you grab a 500 with T4 perks/blessings from Melk. Not optimal but still capable of doing work in Auric.
With this in mind I think it would be better to update Melk’s lottery menu, because as it stands the paltry sum of melkbux you pay to get a gray weapon is worthless and much better spent on rolling maxed out curios.
It ought to work like Brunt’s Armory and give you a 500 with random distribution out of the box - for new players, this still fulfills the purpose of trying out a kitted out new weapon, and for experienced players, you don’t have to dump a God-Emperor’s fortune on leveling a new weapon with the stat distros you want, since it’s already 500.
For the time being, I’m gonna keep dumping my melkbux into rolling new curios. Currently the best way to spend ‘em IMO.
Aye, maxed out curios are now the nightmare lever-pull gambling machine-- I’ve gotten all the ones I want, but not on the characters I want them on… so I must continue to RNG my way to +21% HP and +17% toughness rolls on my Ogryn… whereas my Veteran has everything I could possibly want and doesn’t need 'em…
That’s correct, Melk will be helpful for new players, but irrelevant for us with materials and full mastery. Just off the top of my head, empowering a grey weapon from Brunt’s to 500 costs about 100k dockets, 2400 plasteel and 1400 diamantine including a few greys. A single 2veg mission earns you 89k dockets, and how much mats on average, if you don’t have these guys who never pick up anything? You need about 2 auric maelstrom missions? While Melk’s stuff costs about 2500-3500 of his bucks, that’s perhaps what the weekly contracts for 2 characters are worth. (I always take contracts for kills and materials, have fun with books and 6 without deaths if you want). So auric players can now earn enough to craft something themselves much faster than with Melk. And tbh I enjoy the game more when I can play any of my characters and not the one that needs to finish his contract on weekends.
Until we get a proper way to get curios… I don’t think it is a good idea.
Also, this means removing contracts. I don’t like contract system (objectives not well designed, system too rigid etc.) however, I feel that Havoc won’t be a good system…
I hope I am wrong. But still, my doubts persist.
Don’t forget that you can spend Melk money to get random curios…
again, we should be able to empower any curio to 21 health / 17 toughness / 3 stamina.
why should we still camp the shop? it’s like they forgot about curios with unlocked & loaded.
Melk is good (could be better if he offered ALL weapon types ALWAYS, not having 6 same autoguns there clogging it) for players still leveling and getting their sh-t.
I have used him to spam curios. Or to get mastery buy buying mystery items at the beginning. But yeah there’s not much point to him… or the armoury even (aside from brunts). Once you have max mastery and what you want.
One thing I want is the contracts to be account specific each week for Melk vs character specific. If I want the 1000 bonus for completing them all and minimal play time I can invest that week I have to focus one character vs playing whoever I want.
But with unlocked and loaded I would rather them keep things the way they are. Honestly don’t want them to reintroduce RNG would just rather have things the way they are.
When they were showing the preview of weapons they had customization points to limit the amount of control we had, which they decided to remove before the update (THANK THE EMPEROR). So I honestly would be afraid of them tweaking the system to make melk or the armoury relevant for veteran players.