For those at end-game; Melk serves no real purpose. Since the crafting rework it’s clear that little he offers is of value.
As a suggestion - maybe Melk should offer battlefield curiosities. NB Not curios.
Such as:
Weapons with non-60 dump stat
- why? How many of you have a weapon with 5 * 76 stats ? Almost inevitably the rolls end up at 80 on at least one stat, most often 3. Maybe Melk should serve up some weapons that don’t.
Weapons that have a >80 stat
- Could be contentious this one. But serve up some weapons with an 83 stat for example. Something not that much better than others on base scores, but that could trip a new breakpoint. These weapons would be flawed ; e.g. a 2 for 1 trade so that (e.g.) if you have 3*80 and one bonus at 83, then the remaining stat would be at 54 (i.e. you lose twice the points you gained). Or worse.
It’s a bit boring having most weapons kitted out the same way. 80s on everything apart from mobility at 60. And Melk is currently looking at retirement unless he gets a new game face on.