Some thoughts on nearing release day. Things to add and improve

Besides ocassional crash from pox burster or other random crashes. I didn’t encounter much of server problems since. Maybe error 1003 once but other than that I don’t remember, like enabling RTX crashing the game to see how much it changes in certain places and during certain mission mutators.
But I think the game lacks few small things. Like during spectating players the hud is not showing players heatlh which during tough moments you have to guess how close to death someone is.
Other small things it could use of is some of the animations could be added like picking up friends when they’re downed or trapped. Like a quick lean down and wave arms around would indicate of action.
End game currently has little to offer than getting some penances done if you didn’t get them before. Or well upgrade your stuff to yellow quality and call it a day.
I’m sure there will be more it’s just all held back till release (and refined).
Sometimes the game has problems with difficulty spikes tho it’s like transitioning smoothly and then suddenly youre pinned by 3 snipers and 3 elites or more with horde on top of it.
I know it mostly boils down to team composition and skill but things tend to get out of hand even with full lvl 30 team on Malice (Again it was mostly just veterans probably snoozing on their guns).

Another big point is… the mutators for the mission… it’s like ALWAYS endless horde. It should be always random in my opinion and not be the same thing for 6 or so hours.
Some missions are showed off more than the others. It’s always few same maps in rooster and it’s always endless horde on every single one of them. Or none if Emperor decides to.
I really enjoyed the thick fog and lights out mutators but I saw both of them for like 4 games out of 60 with majority of them being endless horde which feels almost like a default thing for the mission to have.
I hope to see something worthwhile for the end game cause currently there’s not much beside learning how to play damnation for rewards that aren’t even guaranteed. (aka reward chests or weapon drops not happening that often.)

Feel free to drop your comment about my thoughts as I think it could benefit with some things utilized in games for the most part: Vermintide 2