So when's PS5 coming out so Fatshark can stop focusing on porting?

Obligatory link to Fatshark’s prophetic cycle.

I think part of Fatshark’s absolutely abysmal development rate is to do with the fact that they’ve been working on console ports since the game launched, unceasingly.

Our “3-6 month” developmemt window is going to be 2+ years, during which time FS is still effectively building out core gameplay systems and ports instead of adding content.

Fatshark hasnt said anything about a PS5 port other than a throwaway comment made by Strawhat (I think that’s who it was at the time?) and I think I know why. If Fatshark announced that they’re working on a PS5 port, everyone across all their social media posts would collectively groan with annoyance and then explain to everyone else that Fatahark’s poor leadership and project management has historically meant that console ports eat up all the devtime which would otherwise be spemt building new content.

Fatshark is right in thinking so, but the alternative from our perspective as a playerbase is that there isn’t any timeline or hope that content past “hey, the systems we advertised at launch and also a new map,” and that Darktide will receive bi-yearly content updates involving a single new map and rebuilding yet another unfinished system until it’s no longer being developed.

FS, rip the bandaid off please. When is the PS5 port coming so we can finally begin to expect new content instead of newly repaired content?


I hope they won’t try, after PS5, to adapt it to the Nintendo Switch or Steam deck


If they do, we won’t get any new content at a reasonable rate for another year and a half.

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I meeeean, once the port is out i expect the patches will have even longer stretches between them, since they’d have to test two versions of the game, essentially.

Maybe we will finally get another optimalisation pass, for people who don’t run the newest gen hardware. Fps inconsistency used to drive me crazy on my old rig.

Also on topic: The cycle must continue.

PC / Xbox Series / Playstation 5

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