lets ignore exactly BW with exactly bolt and exactly increased charge speed during her passive venting. (I’d like to argue even that is subpar but i can see why people would disagree so lets just ignore it).
I mostly play cata wtih added difficulty like twitch/deeds whatever and with a group of only 2 human players or less. The spawnrate of specials is high and often times “time to kill” needs to be super low to not instadie/have a chance to deal with the gunner/flamer whatever.
All of Siennas ranged weapons perform incredibly poorly compared to these other ranged weapons:
crossbow, handgun, repeater handgun, repeater pistols, longbow, moonbow and id say even shades repeater xbow does the job significantly better than all of siennas weapons.
This mostly comes down to 2 reason in particular: Time to kill and/or weakness against armor.
All of the staves that shoot her “normal” projectile (e.g. Conflag) have the against armor weakness and even if you hit the head - its not even a 1 shot - nevermind the lack of precision.
Bolt has waaaay too much charge time + it slows you down while charging. Compared to the handgun which also has “downtime” the problem here is that the charge is frontloaded. I cant reload when i get a good chance to - i have to invest the time when im surrounded by a bunch of trash and theres a ratling an assassin and a flamer right next to me. The time to kill is straight up too long compared to all the weapons above^.
beam with left+right click is the least awful option but again… the time to kill and precision required is just too high. if it takes 2 seconds then its still double of what other classes ranged weapons need and its the difference between dying instantly and not dying. Beam either requires “charging” until right click to kill or 2 hits 1 of which HAS to be a headshot (compared to things like Longbow which requires exactly 1 headshot consistently but also kills on 2 bodyshots - beam does NOT kill on 2 bodyshots (instant rightclick).
Fireball instant charge has breakpoints problems against armor in particular unless you get really really lucky with crits and again other classes ranged weapons just perform consistently better at any range.
Just in general her ranged weapons rely A LOT on her talent synergy, some weapon functions are completely terrible until you pair them with certain talents/classes.
Can Sienna please get a single weapon that can compete with the extremely powerful ranged options that other classes have. She is a mage - why is her ranged so incredibly weak against specials by comparison based on time to kill and ability to kill.
Sincerely - please give her a good ranged weapon to deal with specials