Please see the pinned post: About the Vermintide 2 - Bugs Category to see what information to include in your report.
EDIT: Everything I posted below is incorrect and totally my own fault. “Famished Flames” was lowering my damage on Battle Wizard by 30%, while Pyromancer was getting a 10% increase, and Unchained was getting no bonus (as expected). I apparently confused myself after playing a ton of Sienna lately. This topic should be closed and forgotten about haha.
Bug Encountered/Frequency
Hi FatShark Developers, not sure if this is a bug or if I’m misreading/misunderstanding something. Sienna’s “Battle Wizard” / “Pyromancer” classes both have a passive ability that “Increases Ranged Damage by 10%” (For Battle Wizard, it is named “Pyromantic Surge” and for Pyromancer it is named “Searing Focus”). So naturally, I’d think to myself, “If I run the same build on both classes, the numbers should match, right?” … but they don’t. The Pyromancer clearly does more ranged damage by default than the Battle Wizard, and I am unsure why. Additionally, I tested with Unchained after (which should deal the least damage out of the 3 classes due to it not having a passive that increases ranged damage) … and it did way more than Battle Wizard for some reason.
Steps To Reproduce
On all of Sienna’s classes, I equipped the same bolt staff with the same attributes (10% Power vs Skaven / 10% Power vs Armored). I made sure my charm was exactly the same too (10% Power vs Chaos / 10% Power vs Infantry). I also made sure that any other power-enhancing talents were matched for consistency (Level 15 Talent - Enhanced Power). I had also ensured that I used “Thermal Equalizer” on all my tests to ensure damage numbers were not being skewed by “Hunter” or “Barrage”. I made sure that every one of my hits were non-crit body-shots.
Battle Wizard Test (Video Below) — When I fired a fully charged bolt at the armored/skaven training dummy on Battle Wizard, it did 5325 damage with a hit to the body, just barely enough to one-shot any Stormvermin on Legend Difficulty.
Pyromancer Test (Video Below) — When I fired a fully charged bolt at the armored/skaven training dummy on Pyromancer, it did 7625 damage, way overkill compared to the Battle Wizard, despite having the same “10% extra ranged damage” passive.
Unchained Test (No Video) — When I fired a fully charged bolt at the armored/skaven training dummy on Unchained, it did 6925 damage, still way overkill compared to the Battle Wizard (despite it not having any ranged damage bonus).
Here is a video of me demonstrating the gear on both classes that would provide the damage bonuses listed. I first use the Pyromancer, then halfway through the video I switch to Battle Wizard.
Other Notes
This does affect the way I build my classes, as I do try to build around certain breakpoints. I only recently noticed this discrepancy, and I’m unsure if the “10% damage” for both is listed incorrectly (is one supposed to be higher?), or if it is calculated incorrectly (maybe they’re both supposed to be actually 10%?). Regardless, it’s confusing and I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t test this for myself. Does it affect my gameplay? Well, not right now, but depending on whatever it’s supposed to be, I may have to change up my gear in the near future.