Hello. I just missed 21% hp + 4% toughness curio because of long game loading time, and now I’m pissed enough to write you my thoughts. Currently, your item randomization system forces people to either log into your game every hour or track the store through third-party software.
If you’re so eager for people to play this ungrateful roulette, give them the ability to view the items they missed somewhere or add any other way to find something decent in your selections without having to check the store every hour.
I’m trying to believe in your project - I enjoy the core gameplay, but anything related to the meta (getting items based on their level, distribution of modifiers, blessings, and perks) is increasingly souring my gaming experience. As I mentioned, I missed out on a trinket that could potentially have been a game-changer simply because I don’t log into your game every hour and therefore can’t check your store every time it updates. So I’m asking - if you like the idea of people using third-party software to interact with your store, give us the opportunity to make purchases without logging into the game. Otherwise, please make your store more convenient for players who are attempting to play at higher difficulty levels.
Higher level play shouldn’t be a torture.
Thank you for your time and have a great day.
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Funny thing is: Melk had a nearly perfect power sword in his store yesterday, 80 in all damage stats and enough mobility to still have 4 dodges.
I didn’t have enough melk currency to buy it outright but could get enough to but it if I completed all weeklies that day. Well it was forced home-office day and my poor internet couldn’t handle the load to the point where I couldn’t even log in. At that point I felt the exact kind of frustration you did and cursed at the lack of a “reserve this item” feature that was present in VT1.
If they managed to actually get their servers straightened out so that the loading times were consistently around 30 seconds like it is in a good day then it wouldn’t be a problem.
Sometimes you see something you want to buy with 10 minutes left on the clock and suddenly the game takes so long to load that you miss it, that’s just annoying.
I agree that it can be annoying to miss a good limited time offer.
Happened to myself a few times on the hourly store, and a few time on the melk store.
None of that would be a big deal, if we had a good crafting system.
There is a large number of issues that could be solved by having a good crafting system.
Until then, i always keep around 4k melk coins (or access to 4k coins within ~2 hrs of playtime) on the characters that still need something specific.
This is what I’m trying to go for as well but you need to get so (un)lucky to be able to save up some currency over the course of a week. Melk seems to be rather likely to get at least something worth considering. It just blows so damn hard that you can only earn his currency once a weak but get new shop assortments every day. The fact you cannot tell him to hold an (or 3) item/s for you just adds this extra kick in the d*ck.