
I get disconnected at least once almost every single game, sometimes more than once, frequent stuttering due to bad connection. I rarely have similar problems in other online games.

Edit: it was definitely better like ~2 months ago than it is now

Is it just my own shitty internet, or are others experiencing similar issues?


Not just you. I’m playing on XBox Series X and I experience the same thing. At least once or twice per session - sometimes more - the game will freeze for about 5-10 seconds, and then one of two things will happen: the game is out of sync for the next 10-20 seconds
following the freeze, during which time something bad usually ends up happening to me, or I end up getting disconnected completely. It’s making an already frustrating experience due to lack of solo play that much less fun.

I have Gig internet so I don’t think it’s my connection (although it is Cox so anything’s possible :stuck_out_tongue: ).


It’s a combination of both. I also have cox and I have to reset my modem/connection nearly every day, and there’s the frequently occasional ping spike that I get, but last game I played was a continuous stream of rubberbanding, weapon swap cancellation, shots not registering, etc, and everybody seemed to be having issues.

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It’s all NSA spyware in your network!

its useful to have some more info, your area and isp for example im int he UK use low bandwidth copper to home BT connection presume i connect to the west EU server group.

My connection is and has been almost perfect for the over 1k hours played i think i have been disconnected once or twice and i do not suffer from bullet registry or failed weapon swaps

its a lot more complex than me or server unfortunately , first we need to consider what connection DT actually needs , it doesn’t require large bandwidth the two really important things are a tick rate (how often per second information packets travel between the two points (you and server) and how many of those packets make it in time and in order.

Darktide also has high demand on your upload side with little tolerance for errors which is good for gamplay but does make it one of the harder games to stay connected to

so you end up where so many things can be the problem

  1. Software on PC anything that can shape or change your connection, from VPN , anti virus through to driver level anti lags
  2. your connection to and your router , just being wireless can be enough of a problem, your router might need a DNS flush or simply not be a good one (there are some old ass routers out there) for the type of upload connection we need.
  3. Every single step between you and the server its easy to forget there are anywhere between half a dozen and 3 times that+ hardware nodes your data will have to navigate on the way there and back any one of them can have an error or fault. use of pingtrace tools can help here.
  4. then of course there is the actual server , unlikely to be the problem as is the common component but it does remain a possibility.

so yeah GL :wink:

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DNS resolves hostnames. If you’re connected to a server, why would you need to do a mid-level DNS lookup?

Showing my ignorance here, obviously.

i actually couldnt say i just recall hearing someone claim it fixed an issue when this was being discussed another time , just trying to cover everythign i could recall :wink:

Xfinity, west coast united states, wired connection. I have other friends in the same area that don’t have any issues

I’m not really sure about half of the stuff you mentioned (due to ignorance) but the reason I felt like pointing the finger at darktide was just because I have basically no issues connecting to other games, and I didn’t used to have any real issues connecting to darktide either, but suddenly seem to have a near constant problem.

I know from experience that this game can be prone to dcs just by observation - sometimes you get multiple people disconnecting and rejoining over the course of a single match. But because you can’t really know the reason just by looking (accident, rage quit, internet failure, or an actual problem on the game’s end), and because I personally know people who almost never disconnect, I wanted to reach out to others and ask about their experience.

I’ll try to look into some of the fixes you mentioned. I should be open minded, though its very easy for me to assume something out of my control changed on the game’s end because this issue is isolated almost completely to darktide

Cada que trato de entrar al juego me dice que no tiene conexión al servidor, desde la pantalla de título no me deja avanzar y me obligar a salir del juego, “reintentelo mas tarde” Llevo ya 3 dias así

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the rats are biting on your ethernet cable

Ha, sounds like a solution. The OP should have played Vermintide 2…I did and I barely ever have connectivity issues in Darktide. Coincidence? I think not!

I dunno… I’m of the opinion that if I’ve not changed anything at my side, then it’s likely not my side. So many times in earlier days I’d spend hours or days uninstalling/ reinstalling/ updating/ disabling etc. etc. and turns out it was nothing to do with me. Maybe ask this in tech support as it’s possible there may be an entry in the telemetry log they can use to identify the issue for you.

Okay, two things - first being SSD, second being internet speed. I played BF 2042 for a bit and every single time I would load into the game, vehicles would be invisible, weapons would be invisible, attachments etc. I upgraded my SSD from an older one to a newer one, all those issues stopped. Second, I used to have tons of issues with disconnects and more in this game until I upgraded my internet.

I don’t exactly have amazing internet now but I went from a 2 MBps download speed to an 11 MBps download speed and have had little to no issues since then. The weapon swap issues and ghost hits started becoming very prevalent within the last 7 months. No clue what they did - either downgraded their servers or straight up broke something in a patch but yeah.


Other glitchyness / shenanigans:

btw i just make these vids for the ppl i play with. I’m obviously not a content producer. There’s a point in the youtube vid where I lost control of my character like I do in the first vid here. Actions unable to be performed for a short while, with the bonus of being moved around by small entities.

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Has it always been like this, or have you noticed it more recently?

It’s always been quirky in different ways. I’ve noticed shots not being fired and completely losing control more recently, even going as far as cancelling out performing special actions as seen in the vid. The stuttering on trying to perform actions has been around for over a year; I have other vids up with recordings of that, and it’s from poor server communication. Same goes for weapons not swapping, or hitting enemies being nullified or cancelled. Other things like poxbursters interacting poorly with doors isn’t new, but it used to be other enemy types. Seems to just affect them right now for some reason.

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