your servers are laggy and horrible… wth is going on?
Not sure… They’ve been unstable for awhile honestly. I know it’s not my PC because a decent amount of people have been crashing, meanwhile, other games run smooth as butter without these server problems. I feel this is obviously a priority that they fix these issues. It’s just unplayable & unacceptable for people who pay money for this game & or cosmetics even. I don’t get much lag… It’s just the crashing part that is the real nuisance. It’s super annoying being halfway or nearing the end of a map & boom, we wipe because of this crap. It’s kind of obvious by now that they don’t give a s–t because the problem still persists. I should say that these crashes don’t happen literally everyday, but even a few times a week is still unsatisfactory or so I’ve noticed myself.
I have same problem.Hit delays mostly and enemies damage you before their attack animation.You need to dodge early for hounds,trappers etc cuz of lag.All of this started after that last hotfix and makes game almost impossible to play.I am happy to not only person has the problem.
Always been a problem.
Pressing F sometimes doesn’t register at all or sometimes the ability procs even though you pressed F more than 1-2 secs ago like a delayed function.
It gets worse at higher difficulties. Almost as if spawn rate has negative effect.
Large input latency if compared to training ground. Even if you dumped all graphics to lowest and run 300FPS to try and raise min FPS levels. PresentMon was showing 1% lows as 90FPS. Very large FPS variances in this game and it wasn’t just in horde situations.
We had this weird issue where few times suddenly it felt like the tick rate of server went up double and everyone turned into a zealot speed demon. Wasn’t just me I asked everyone and they experienced same thing at same time like the game went into overdrive.
The madness was that dedicated servers implied better bandwidth yet in VT2 was a more consistent experience mission to mission running off someone’s connection. Well except when host left and 50/50 ended the run if host migration failed…
90 fps at 1% lows, damn i wish i could play like that, my 0.1% and 1% are 2 fps or below most of the time.
Server authoritative gameplay sucks and it’s been in the game since launch, but sometimes the servers are feeling sad and that results in everyone having an even worse experience.
In the interest of having a game that feels good to play, server authoritative gameplay needs to go.
I’m on an old PC. I get 50-80fps pretty consistently, without potato settings, on a 2070 Super. It’s rare that I get huge fps spikes either way.
I do get lag occasionally; but it’s generally of the input-lag variety. Everything feels 1/5th second off, I’m missing my blocks, and special ability / weapon switches don’t respond. That’s relatively common, maybe 1 in 3 games, but it’s rare that it results in me going down from it.
I would STILL take that over p2p. The “quit rate on personal error” in DT is astonishingly large; I’d spend more time transferring hosts than playing with a p2p hosting system.
can’t say its a problem i have experienced , i occasionally get a rubber band right at the start when i load in fast ill run off the platform and then snap back. but ghost bullets lost inputs just a not something i have to deal with thankfully.
most people with issues seem to be in the US or south /east europe
i would imagine the servers are fine and most peoples PC’s to the issue is far more likely on the net between those two things. a lot ISP’s shape traffic and that can cause huge problems. but you just need one node loosing a few packets and darktides going to get unhappy.
this is really not a fair comparison the network demands of V2 are way lower and the room for client prediction is way higher.
and thinking that a server on somenes pc running non dedicated in the background is going to be stable and better connection than a t1 mounted actual server farm is just , well unlikely to pan out that way.
yes someone can host and escape their issues but really that just passes those problems to his clients and probably makes them worse.
Also no frequent problems here in Central Europe, only the occasional disconnect from the Mourning Star and sometimes getting stuck in the dropship at the start of a mission (the mod “Disconnect” helps with that). But in-mission, I have absolutely no noticeable network issues at all.
Yeah today was pretty bad. Was funny trying to predict shots 2 seconds in advance for a little bit.
it comes and goes sometimes it seems fine sometimes its so bad you slide dodge and your movement feels off like the server has lost your position… its 100% them and it wasn’t like this before i took a break recently its new.
Something they have done at their end or not done ./shrug whatever it makes the game pretty bad to play put it that way. Maybe they dont pay for decent hosting anymore who knows.