Self-revive Warrior Priest is broken

With Blazing Bright + The Comet gift i will always revive myself if i die. So i can just jump right into a Chaos Patrol and get a free auto-revive on my own every time i enter Righteous Fury? This has damn much troll potential and seems way too overpowered because this means if you play halfway serious with a minimum attention of timing righteous fury you simply cant die anymore. And the cherry on the top is it even doesnt consume your ultimate bar. How long does righteous fury last? 30 seconds? This means i have every 30 seconds a free revive on my own? And somehow i am not even grey after my self revive… it doesnt count as downed because i rescued myself with free auto-shield. So i dont even play carefully after i have revived myself because i am not grey (even on cata)

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They got called out on how broken that combo would be in the Dev Blog patch note tease then still went ahead with it anyway. Clown behaviour.

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Wait. Fury really increases while being downed?

If only someone had warned them about this very specific possibility … So, Engineer powerbuffed to no end. Warrior Priest powerbuffed to no end. Lingering Flames broken. And some forgettable nerfs. Fatshark really can only buff when balancing.


Well no, but they cant seem to nerf the right things for the most part, or it takes years to do it and then it gets way overdone. Like when they go like “hmm, Shade is killing monsters too fast, lets nerf daggers and forget that conc pot still gets her job done”

I’ve always seen the opposite, much more nerf than buff (sadly)

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I literally can not remember a single nerf that was overdone. Even those cases where forum myth insists on it, the weapons/talents/careers are stilll good and strong in Cataclysm.

On the other hand, Fatshark overbuffing (or creating new things overpowered) is a thing that happens regularly. Just in this patch alone OE has been overbuffed, WP has been overbuffed and wait two weeks and people will see that Pyromancer has also been overbuffed.

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Moonbow went from being an overpowered but unique weapon to being a glorified melee support&pull stick. Javelins seems to be even worse.

Then a fair bit of the “rebalancing” in the Chaos wastes just removed a lot of the fun stuff rather than nerfing it. Going like this, to some extent, i cant help but wonder what will happen to MWP, Griffonfeet and trollhammer at this rate.

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I have told you this before: the Moonfire Bow is perfectly good on Cataclysm. But I agree to disagree.

Also, Chaos Wastes is more balanced and more fun than before. The “one single boon” let’s you win balance was really not very entertaining.

Nothing here is overdone. These things are in a better place than before. Actually, with the new boons you can become even more powerful in Chaos Wastes than before. Though, you need two or three boons now to combine their power.

Also, don’t worry. Griffon Foot will never be nerfed. Not enough people talk about it. And since a lot of people define the efficiency of ranged weapons mostly by their ability to snipe Blightstormers, it will be considered not useable.

You got a point, not thread related

The bouncing lightning was indeed OP, but it was not the only one that was removed. Or made much more difficult to access in some cases. What we got instead was a lot of crappy stuff that for the most part isnt very fun. Its no wonder that patch was badly received too.

No it was badly overdone, instead of toning down the stuff that overperformed, they got removed outright, killing the fun of it. And if it was kept then it was badly watered down to nothing but a husk of the former state. Or made much harder to get.

As for combinations, i mean sure you can play Zealot with a bunch of healboosts, khaine, and crits-on-damage and go to town but with more bad options added in, its harder to do. Several careers cant even use the random altars in fear of getting whole talent rows disabled or getting the career/build screwed over. Like that zealot getting regen and losing most of his buffs anyway.

Or slayer who still has bugs left from day one if i am not mistaken.

I would laught at this entire thing but this is exactly what went down with hagbane, and the one time it was touched it was just a weird poke that didnt do much in the end :neutral_face:

Welp, still only a matter of time before some trollhammer dwarf manages to annoy enough Sharks with explosive FF spam before something happens there i suppose.

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Was it? Check the Steam reviews. Pre-Patch 80 % positive reviews. Post-patch 90 % positive reviews. Also, what actually got removed. Which boon is not in the game anymore?

I enjoy many of the “crappy stuff” they added. And don’t come with barrel boons. That is like that one example people use all the time and an exception.

People have complained one year(?) about SotT/Moonfire Bow before it got adressed. People have complained two years (?) about Coruscation, Javelin, Battle Wizard before it got adressed. Before 2025, it is unlikely to see a change.

You got a point, not thread related

Lightning one as mentioned, and practically all ranged boons got either removed or badly nerfed and then remade as weapon traits mixed into the pool with the mostly awful vanilla ones to make combo´s harder/impossible.

Exception was “heal on ammo grab” which was left alone.

Invis on damage taken for 5 seconds on a 30 sec cooldown (breaks if doing anything except moving)
100% crits (2 sec) after leaving invis (even on careers that cant go invis)
15% attackspeed on getting your block broken (dead in 90% of the times anyhow),
Auto coin pickup
Khaine’s Might - Gain 25% Power, but 50% Curse. → bad on all but WP.
Dash on push ( not new but it still exists darn)
Atharti’s Vigour - Healing an ally with a health pack grants both of you 20% Power for 40 seconds. (how often do you use a medpack in the middle of a fight? )
That ring of fire thing that activates if you get downed but doesnt have any real effect most of the time.

These are mostly all “new” and just flat out bad for the most part, only really serve to dilute the pool and make combo´s harder. While some actually good stuff just got moved to weapon traits and several overlapped or kinda “meh” ones got added there was well, ontop the vanilla ones which are nearly all bad too.

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Just so that we don’t argue about semantics. If I ask for removed I mean not available anymore at all. Boon gone to weapon trait is still in the game. And the switch of the powergamer boons to weapon traits was actually one of the most intelligent balance decisions FS made.

Yea, I like most of them and think they are good. There are some nuances here and there but it probably pointless to go into detail discussion.

I keep standing where I am. Chaos Wastes is in a better place after Be’Lakor update and more fun.

You got a point, not thread related

You could look at it like so but consider that a trait cannot be paired with another traits, so if all the boons become traits then all the combo´s are gone too. Plus you cant reliably get anything if its mixed into a pile of crap.

For instance, Waystalker cant randomly roll for ranged weapons if she has bleed, since it disables moonfire and hagbane. But without Bleed, swiftbow is useless so she´s screwed if she gets/has that

Heroic intervention my foot, resourceful combatant on a build without crits my other foot. Khaine´s / or push-dash from a random shrine early that makes you unable to melee without murdering yourself before you get anywhere my arse ;_;

Purely on the virtue of the really crazy stuff being removed, yes, more fun? All the fun unique stuff got removed with it and now its all just statboosts with a few, a very few, fun traits mixed into giant piles of crappy ones.

What is the point of it if there’s practically no hope of ever reliably making any fun build 'cause all that´s left is just watered down crap or Morgrim’s bomb spam? I can see the Grail Knight spamming their holy sword for days along with the Pyromancer fireballs and whatnot but this is still an extremely polarizing lineup still that didnt fix much.

I really want Taal´s and Raema’s moved back as boons, along with the parry block stuff that got moved as traits too. T_T

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Okay, I give you the point of being unable to get multiple of these boons now as you can only a singular trait. Also, that boons before affected both melee and range and just one of them. Though, this was inevitable. Those boons were clearly broken if you just got a single one of them. And the likehood for one player getting one of these game-breaking boons was higher than 25 %. This means every fourth cataclysm game at least was steam-rolled by single player. Not my idea of fun. Actually, I actively avoided most of these boons because they didnt feel fun.

As for boons messing with certain builds. That is a thing but is a part of the risk-reward of the random shrines. It also aren’t that many builds that are targetted by that. Getting boons not useful is a more prominent occurence but again risk-reward. Completely fair in my book and I do mostly random shrines. Not sure why Bleed screws Hagbane. That seems to be an interaction I am not aware of.

For some traits, one could argue that campaign traits shouldnt be in the pool. I would be okay with that. But it also means no Swift Slaying. Would make a clear separation between the two modes. I also wouldnt like to have CW traits in the campaign.

Khaine’s fury is actually pretty good if you get it combined with Caxuatn’s Frenzy. Even more so if you have an additional health talent. Or in the rare cases where you get it combined with a career having the crit THP talent. That is one insane combination. Also, Gork’s Might is not part of the random boon pool. Just saying.

You can still get fun builds. Not as “reliably” as before (because getting a single boon is pretty damn easy) but you still have possibilities to control your build. And if you are ready to take some more risk, you also have the chance of getting a good weapon trait. But this is tied to taking the random weapons. Most people are not brave enough to do that because they are rail-roaded into their “build”.

Not sure what you mean with the parry block stuff because that is still a boon. Unless you mean auto-block which was moved rightfully to traits. To strong for a single map 1 roll. Or the chance to buy it in the shrines.

Yo could y’all do this in a more relevant thread?


yeah i have played with a friend who was a warrior priest. He had an assassine on him while he was downed, after he lost 50% of his red-life the ultimate procced because he had build up righteous fury while downed and the shield revived him and pushed away the assassine. But here he had grey/wounded screen. At another run I was warrior priest and let myself been damaged to 50%hp afterwards I intentionally let a chaos warrior hit me with an overhead, i was revived and wasnt even wounded (worked every time).

This is definitely a bug. Playing with a friend using the broken WP build and the animation gets stuck in the downed position after it triggers.

It doesn’t always trigger consistently either. I don’t understand why sometimes it clears wounds and other times it doesn’t. Sometimes it triggers and stops a disabler, other times it doesn’t.

Any common occurences? First in the line: Host - Client?

Other than that Comet’s Gift still has a three seconds counter. So, if it takes longer than that to fill up Fury, it will not work.

As for the specials hard to say. I can start testing earliest on Saturday. Some things are disabled while being attacked by disablers like Unchained’s Heat gain for example. I would have consider this being the same for WP and Fury. But this conflicts with reports I have seen.

It happens for both, i havent recognized any differences between host and client.

Can we have a feedback wether this synergies are intended or not?
