Scoreboard is making this community TOXIC

I was not a fan when I heard that a Scoreboard mod had been developed because I also thought it would breed elitism and toxicity. But in my 1829 hours of play I haven’t run into any that I could attribute to a Scoreboard. Plenty of bad actors for sure, but none that have referenced the scoreboard. The mod is interesting but flawed so I doubt people read much into the numbers IMO. I certainly don’t.


2024 :point_up::nerd_face:


The scores on the scoreboard should be at least be disabled by default, since they are even more arbitary and meaningless than the stats are in a vacuum.


I am over 2000 hours in and only saw one person nagging about pp’s build and damage.
So I am not sure what the OP is complaining about…
People that frustrate me the most are players who don’t stay in a group and work as a team. But that is a character trait I think because they hardly ever have a high score on the scoreboard, and I doubt it is what makes them behave like this!


I personally don’t see how the scoreboard is “making” someone toxic. Be it the Scoreboard mod or not, if there is a person that will genuinely complain about somebody else’s performance, the only thing the scoreboard is doing is providing some padding for their petty squabbles. Mind you, these people would be willing to do so in an action-type game, where on high difficulty levels there’s no place/time for making such trivial comments.

Move on. If you spot one such individual, just mute them, and if they are exceedingly vocal about it, then block them as well. You have the tools for it - use them to make your life easier. The scoreboard is not going away - not any time soon, anyway.


i cannot deny that i hardly believe that most rushers and going solo dont do it for their scores.
They harm and dontharm the team imho.
Most of them are good players and for sure help the team killing a lot of enemies and are good at the game in general, skilled, know what they do and in the end top score.
But on the other hand it’s like a pro footbal player plays in a regional leagues team and makes everyone look bad, fall behind unabble to survive what he may cause to happen - like the other team comes up with 3 of them.

The Pro is fast and sufficient but brings a lot of trouble for everyone else who is not on this level of skill and capable to deal with the aggro.
He does it for scores obviosuly.

Since i have the scoreboard i feel i can identify that players top scoring play good but also not that team orientaded, if the team is not that good but mediocre and still able to do the mission on their pace.
Like someone said literally in another thread: I do my thing, why should i babysit them.

Sorry to hear that, it sounds like youve been having terrible luck. Iv never met a single person in all my hours on V1, V2 and DT who has complained to me about my score. Combined thats several thousand hours so I guess Im just lucky. (I dont actually recall if V1 even had a scoreboard)


In 1000 hours I think I had experienced toxicity because of scoreboard around 2 or 3 times.
It’s hilarious to me since the scores there are completely meaningless.
I agree it shouldn’t be a thing not because of toxicity but because it makes people play bad in the hunt of high numbers at the end of thr run.


toxicity is not criticism - true criticism is allways constructive - toxicity is destructive.




Sounds made up

Probably you should go play something else


I play nearly exclusively Auric Damnation and have ~550 hours. Been playing since the beta and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone even make a comment or reference to scores or the scoreboard mod, let alone being toxic about it.

I’ve used the scoreboard mod since it came out, and a number of my friends would refuse to play DT if it weren’t for having it. They don’t care about the “score” they just want to be able to objectively judge their performance.

Having said this, I really don’t like the base scoreboard mod and default settings. In particular I think the actual “scores” and “total score” lines are not very helpful. I can see how those over emphasize a ranking of who did better/worse than others, when the value of scoreboard mod is in the details and helping you to see where you did well or lagged.

I run a customized scoreboard with Ovenproof’s scoreboard plugin, and disable most of the normal scoreboard rows, an example of which is in the image below.

If I’m running a non-meta build, it’s helpful to see how my damage in various categories compares to others (especially if I can note if they are running meta weapons/gear).

An example of how I’d critique myself based on the above:

I was running Evi and Kantral Shotgun (only used that a few times before). Used the Zealot book ability (so not really DPS oriented) in more of a team support role.

Most notably, I never went down or was killed, and had by a good margin the fewest times disabled. Got the most players revived.

The second player over was a beast using the revolver - so it wasn’t surprising they got by a wide margin the most elite & special kills. It’s what that weapon enables you to do. I was a bit low on specific kill categories but not too worried about it. Overall kills were in the ball park of others, and damage (while in last place) wasn’t bad considering I was running book build and not DPS. MY build did play into crits however, and my crit rate was pretty high.


Well I am normally in the top 2 of my team and I always try to be with the team. I still haven’t met the “pro” that leaves me behind and cause me trouble I can’t handle. I normally need to come and save them though :slight_smile:
But this is all very anecdotal I guess. If you are a skilled player but leave your team behind you are simply not a good player imho.


Not always, thanks to a new “bug” stating your block list is at maximum even when it’s empty :grimacing:

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I agree with the toxicity aspect because I think Goodhart’s law applies here.

The only thing that counts is did you win or did you lose.

This is absolutely true.

My general policy is that it’s better to be wrong together than correct alone when it comes to these games.

Your weakest link go off on his own again? Well. It’s a fun challenge to see if you can keep him alive anyways.

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That’s because you do good, but think about people who let’s say struggle or barely can survive.
Thing is they can do it, but have hard times and need full support from everyone in the team.
Now you have that very skilled pro that doesnt care how you do, even if you are capable of winning the mission, you just cant do it that easy like the “Pro”.
Like you said, he then is just a bad teamplayer.
Good on his own, but a bad team member.

We could read about the stance of some of these players just yesterday in the “was that cheating/ hacking” thread.

These “Pro” players seem to farm Melk at Sedition and dont care about people who can only play sedition to malice maybe.
I mean these difficulties are there for people who are just not that good to play Damnation or even Auric.

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I don’t think the truly experienced players bother farming Melk on low difficulties.


1.7k hours, NA East. Have had 0 instances of toxicity because of scoreboard.


That’s what I mean. The scoreboard helps to identify when someone is justified in critiquing your build or just spurting out toxic nonsense.

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