Scoreboard is making this community TOXIC

Can you guys please break the scoreboard mod? Almost every match has atleast one person who bitches about someone elses stats and talks down to their own teammates over it. Killing any fun we were having. It is disgusting and makes me want to quit your game. And before you suggest blocking them I cant do that because your game caps at 10 blocks and wouldn’t you know it in my 1350 hours of playtime I’ve met WAY more than 10 toxic asshats in your game. It is 2023 quit supporting your game like everything other than profit is an afterthought. How do you expect to keep me playing if I can’t call out poor sportsmanship AT ALL and I am FORCED to play with randoms because after a year there is still no solo mode. I am honestly just thinking about quitting for apex because atleast their cosmetics dont clip like they were made by a highschooler also blocking and muting are possible in apex too which I know is bleeding edge technology in 2023 that Darktide could never handle.


Guess I need to get around 800 more hours before I start seeing scoreboard elitists.

Did they start showing up at the 1000 hour mark, or am I about to start seeing them now at my 530 hours?


Also what this mean?


Must be a regional thing. I’m 900ish hours in and I’ve not seen a single instance of scoreboard related toxicity.

Also, blocking and muting are possible.


Yeah, I’m creeping up on 500 and at this point the only people I’ve encountered are hot-mic’ers who’re oblivious to the fact that Darktide defaults to voice activation and the occasional folks lacking situational awareness (or any kind of awareness) and ammo hogging or wasting time on horde clearing when they should be moving to the exit.


Ugh. I have sound/voice chat turned off for that very reason.


Never happened to me, but with my friends on discord we with 99% accuracy hit who is the console player in damnation matches.
Match ends, scoreboard opens and voila the person has more dmg taken than 3 other people combined.
Least specials killed
Least elites killed
No real staggering, no real dmg dealt, nothing.
Literal dead weight that was carried 101% playing on a difficulty he has no right to be.

However I do understand that damnation is the only difficulty where you get semi normal plasteel and farming for gear in any other diff is pain in the a-s.
So dont hate the players, hate the developers that force you to play difficulty in which you shouldnt be


I was never an advocat for a scoreboard, but the cases i met someone calling out others because of their bad performance are rare.
On top of that, there is or was no evidence that players used the scoreboard and the “bad performance” like going down 10 times or running into DH 2 times, not sure if intended or not, or beeing catched by every netter, burster etc. not reviving doesnt need a scoreboard to see.


Now i need to confess, that 3 days ago i installed the scoreboard mod to know how i do. I was a little bit shocked tbh, because my scores were not good, not ultra bad like 50 or 60 that some have, but 80-100 with Psyker, even if i had most defensive or sometimes best team score my all over all performance was mediocre at best.
Maybe because i blow myself up too often.
Not sure if the scoreboard gives negatives points for going down.

Lately switched to Ogryn - i switch my chars irregular but after some time i switch -
I also wanted to know if i’m really not that good, because i tend to be someone who kills most diablers and have good awareness, can deal with horde alone, knows how to handle 5 Bullwarks + 5 Maulers + 5 Ragers and a Beast etc. .
With my Pal i do good and was even able to top the scoreboard once or twice with ~130 points. One Game a Zealot was 1 point ahead while the rest of the team was like 50 and 60. So we may have carried them.

I have to agree that the scoreboard makes me aproach the game somewhat different.
Now i want to have good score, need not to be top score, but i dont want to be last and perform bad compared to my teammates. So if everyone is 100+ i dislike to be in the 80 scores, what only happend with Psyker while massively testing and changing build and loadout. When i had a good Stick and set build my score went up.

Same for Ogryn, first missions were not good, i even went down, because i need to get used to the big man again playing Psyker for weeks.
After some missions i do good.

The Scoreboard changes things for me and for sure for others.
I cannot say i have seen more toxicity in chat or via voice.
The toxicity that exists is more about people slightly griefing or their aproach to the game is very much different and it feels toxic to me how they play, but maybe it feels toxic to them how i play.
Some rush, i search every corner attack everything except DH even if i could as Shield Ogryn.

650 hrs, europe region


he has all rights to try and learn.


1600 hours, seen zero examples of toxicity cause of scoreboard


I’ve been a big advocate of just making all Malice+ difficulties have max plasteel values, or at least Heresy to get the lesser experienced out of places they probably shouldn’t be.

The queues might become longer for Damnation, or especially Aurics (which people think have more resources I guess?) but I’ll take that for guaranteed quality team mates.


I gotta say I disabled the scoreboard again after some days of playing with it.

I for one am a person that keeps looking at my score and trying to keep up with the others or be the best in a given category. Of course dmg taken is pretty much the most important one for me atleast.

But seeing that people who run away from their team and aren’t really playing with their team get the highest scores sometimes made me kinda mad. Lol
You can change the categories the scoreboard displays, I find the default settings to be somewhat irrelevant. But I didn’t fumble around with it too much, I just realised that it made the game less fun for me and kinda influenced my playing in a negative way, so I disabled it.

That doesn’t mean that everyone get’s influenced by the scoreboard like this, but generally I’d say that alot of people are trying to get the top scores even if that means to play kinda selfish.
It’s just the competitiveness of the human being and the neuron activation of my smooth monke brain that makes me less team oriented and more score oriented.


I was originally against a scoreboard a la VT2, but some suggestions I’ve seen recently where you can go look at it after the game (on the Mourningstar) I’d be all for. Especially if it just gave your scores and an average. That would realistically stop any opportunity for mid-game / post-game attrition.

As it happens, I have dl’d the scoreboard mod. It’s useful, so long as you’re using it with an open mind. I’ve only ever made a comment once about it during/after a game when I was accused midgame of not clearing elites for two psyker chums - was useful to have then.

I suspect however many people use the ‘scores’ rather than the totals, and don’t know that it’s just indexing these by “unusualness” across the team, where 100 is the weighted average. So you can be some elite killing hero and top of the total score, having actually done very little else, if you get a big number in one row. I notice this a lot on t3/t4s where it’s easy to dominate in one role as enemy volumes are low. I think that’s misleading.

And conversely, you could spend the whole game clearing trash mobs non-stop (kinda useful) and get very little for it on the board as you need to get a LOT more trash kills to stand out. Shame that’s not explained. Nor that turning on/off features obviously changes that total.

Or you can be one of those that just looks at total damage I guess, in which case I bet you’re carrying a plasma gun in an Auric mission :wink:

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Agreed, but Damnation is not the place to learn. This wasnt the case that someone was not damnation ready but otherwise were good.
But a person who obviously would be struggling with facetanking on Malice


100%agreed if current D5 plasteel was Malice plasteel
And Damnation now would be higher than now
AND DEAR GOD less retárded crafting system would be implemented
The game would become much MUCH healthier

Even I would enjoy a good malice power fantasy stop run just to enjoy brain off no sweat button mashing

Shocker, in an online community, there are assholes?! Who knew?

I’m sorry but the positives of having a scoreboard, or at least stats, heavely outweigh your paper thin constitution.

Mute, block and move on.


I agree, scoreboard makes people toxic, and on a community driven game like this it also has a negative influence on development itself

but still i’m hesitant on wanting it removed, toxic people will keep being toxic, the devs will keep democraticly listen to the most cryers for their balance patches, the scoreboard also give you improtant data on how the game actually works, since the devs did a very poor job at explaining its mechanics


thats right, if someone cannot do heresy he shouldnt go for Damnation, but we dont know if he just wanted to try once or twice.
I also tend to judge people, but i allways remember that i may be completely wrong about them.
But i agree with your sentiment.

fully agree!

i’m also thinking about that. It doesnt help me very much and now after using it with 2 chars i know my performance somewhat.

I still believe a scoreboard cannot show or reflects someones skill.
as i said above, i often be the one killing most disablers or getting huge amount of ressources, can survive on my own while away from team searching ressources and catch up to the team when it gets in trouble again.
the scoreboard wont honor that comapred to somone doing lots of staggering, blocking, killing and more damage.

A good team has synergies the scoreboard cannot reflect imho, tell me if i’m wrong.
Played a lot of Psyker, with lets say Assail and Shriek you are less of a supporter, but very self sufficient.
But when i switches to Ogryn again i had some Shield and Smite Sparkheads around and thought these guys are so helpfull and make it so much more easy.
Their scores were not that good, but they helped the team a lot imho.