The Can Opener Blessing for Ripper Guns is now applying rending debuffs on shooting an enemy, instead of just the special melee attack.
Bro why did you report this was meant to be Ogryns’ little secret
This bug makes the gun usable. If they fix this then it will be bad again lmao. If any dev is reading this, rippers still need buffs.
Agreed it needs buffs but IMO it needs even more ammo not free crusher melt.
But crusher melt is fun
But honestly, I am not quite sure, I love how it works atm, but it feels like bug exploitation to me.
On the other site, I do not see any sense in this blessing the way its description says it works.
If I’m in meelee range and wanted to “open a can” i’d rather use my can opener tools (e.g. power maul) and not stick to may ripper gun, as it’s special does laughable damage for a bayonet that size punched by 700+ kg pure muscle mass … but that’s me perhaps not understanding how to fight with it …
But if you kept it the way it is atm, it feels to be a must have blessing on ripper guns …
The point is to still have an answer to Carapace when running a melee that doesn’t cover that (eg Bull Butcher). Clear around crusher, stab once - twice then unload. It stacks, and I haven’t tested if it’s a self buff or an enemy debuff. If the former you can stab anything nearby then unload into the Crusher.
I agree the process should be made smoother though. Faster bayonet stab chains would be welcome.
If that explanation from this thread is still acurate it’s only for the current (meaning the bayonet/special) attack, which therefore would be useless as the dmg of that is ignorable.
If it works like you say, I could see a sense, but it would definetly not suit MY playstyle, I would feel it to clunky.
So for, let’s say a crusher, it would for me perhaps be: staggering it with ripper gun, switch to paul, power it up, get rid of that crusher. Or just straight to paul …
If they fix that bug the choice I had to make for my weapons would be to either have a lack in armor killing (and therefor need to rely on team and in randoms hope for the best) or let down some straight forward damage and bring in some versatility.
But still, I love that bug, I feel like abusing/exploting it. It could live with a fix, but i’d reconsider my kit choices
I guarantee from using it and testing in meat grinder that the unbugged version does apply to your shots for a duration after the bayonet attack. I’m just not sure if you have to stab the Crusher itself or if you can stab anything then shoot the crusher.
I never doubted what u said, as I would assume that you have your reasons to claim what you said.
My point is mostly:
I love the way it works with the Bug (even though it seems to be overpowered - which is why i’m currently testing to find other appealing blessings, cause I want to use the Ripper Gun)
But it is clearly not intended so it should be fixed, or the blessing needs rewording and perhaps a little nerf.
I will adjust to survive, as ogryns allways do.
Hmm, 80% Bugged frenzy and proper ranged rending?
I’d still rather have double the pre-patch ammo.
Is this intended or a bug? I don’t want to go fishing for this if it’s changed with the next hotfix…
It is a bug, I wouldn’t rely on it anyway Ogryns can bully all enemies to the floor with ease. So you can easily get Can Opener stacks the intended way if needed, or just set them up for the armor DPS teammates to kill them. People are really overrating this.
Feels like a good thread to be critical about bayonet attacks.
If/when the bug gets fixed, will bayo attacks get tweaked? They’re just a little too sluggish and clunky. Needs some speed, a shorter window until you can shoot (still dreaming about the stab-shoot true combo) and also a sprint attack so I can WWI a heretic.
A lot of the bayo attacks feel clunkier than the bash counter parts on the Kickbacks, stubber, and autoguns.
Yeah until Ogryn gets a 2 handed weapon the Ripper bayonet is the only melee he uses more than 1 hand for, and it is pretty useless without this blessing and its definitely dumpster fire with this glitch. Then again all of Ogryn’s melee ability with guns is pretty trash, no blocking and shooter enemies don’t swap to their melees until you’re on top of them. Even the GG punch you only use on 1 enemy.
I know what you mean.
GG is at least interesting. There’s just no utility beyond staggering some things in melee because you’re too lazy to switch weapons and don’t want to spend ammo.
I wouldn’t want Ripper to be the same. Like a two hit combo chain, a sprint attack, and some purposeful utility interaction between stabbing and shooting.
Currently there is a very small window where you can animation cancel after a stab attack to shoot. It feels like a bug, because if you miss time it you have to sit through the stab’s recovery animation. It works best with the MK V because of the fire-rate, imo
I think its pretty weird you get 3 different sets of bayonet attacks to use with the Hellbores, and even different versions of that bunt Headhunters use, but all Ogryn Rippers do the same bayonet thrust. It feels almost as unfinished as the rest of Ogryn/the game.
Everything about the Ogryn seemed/seems like an afterthought; I’m ~sure it was the last one to be worked on and/or Skullbreaker was quickly put in instead of the hidden Gun-lugger. Ogryn was so starved for some good tweaks that even the small ones we got recently seem Emprah sent.
If they’re gonna make it weak, slow and gimmicky, then allow Rippers to shoot as you poke. I think it’s also been suggested (me&others) bayonets should cause bleeds by default even without the feat.
It shouldn’t shred maulers. As a rippergun ogryn main, I would prefer this gets put back down to its intentional role which is deleting everything else.
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