Fatshark - could you give us some details on these keywords?

Hey Fatshark!

I am thoroughly enjoying Darktide and I was wondering if you could see if you can get explanations of these terms on weapons?

Power % ( eg from Fire Frenzy blessing)
Rending ( eg Shattering Impact blessing)
Brittleness ( eg Thunderous blessing)
Chain (eg Limbsplitter blessing)
Impact (eg Hammerblow blessing)

It is not clear at the moment what some of these actually do for a weapon, especially power.
Some weapons have +15% power thats stackable, others have +5% power total on a blessing.
Unless the effect power has on a weapon is vastly different between these two types, the second blessing is quite insignificant even at the highest tier.

Im sure you guys didnt make a bunch of useless blessings so power in particular would be a good one to get insight into as its used alot on blessings. The others are similar though, its unclear what effect they have and therefore what percentage breakpoints would make a real difference for that effect. As more of the crafting is unlocked knowing this stuff will be important


Sure, I’ll ask the combat the team. Will reply when I have that.


just from personal obs , may not be accurate!

Power- affects dmage and impact (probably in quite minor ways)
rending reduces targets armour rating
brittleness - increases damage taken/ maybe lowers mass
Chain - consecutive combo moves , so the second and third attack in a 3 attack light chain
impact -stagger power.

Mostly correct, I’m pretty sure brittleness is basically rending except it applies to the target rather than the player attack, so the whole team benefits

Hello! Combat guy here - let me try to shed some light on the design here:

Power % - Power scales the base of any attack, it is then used to determine amount of Damage (straight up hitpoints), amount of Impact (to stagger enemies) and Cleave.

Rending: Your attack will disregard Flak or Carapace armor mod and use base damage instead for the rending portion. So at 50% rending, half the damage will calculate based on original armor type.

Brittleness: Rending but for all future attacks vs that enemy - basically provide rending for friends.

Chain: Attacks have timed chain-windows so basically if you continously keep attacking, chaining from one attack to another, you count as chaining. Chains start on the second attack in a row so any gains should be applied after that.

Impact: The stagger-potential of the attack. Each attack has an Impact number, it is checked vs the stagger thresholds of the target and then picks a type of stagger (light-medium-heavy) and scales duration/distance based on how far you exceed the threshold. More Impact equals more/longer control.

Basically what Padds said :stuck_out_tongue: - Hope this helps, we’ll be tuning and tweaking stuff in the future so any feedback is appreciated.


Heya, thanks for the insight.
Regarding chain attacks: Does it count as well for heavy attacks or is it limited to timeframe which can only be achieved by light attacks?
background: i have a combat axe that got the chain attack thingy and i was testing it by holding LMB for Heavy Attack and right after swing whilst holding LMB he started “channeling” the second attack, though i wasnt able to see any number difference (or maybe eyesight was bad).


They kind of totally did. Normally that isn’t necesarily a problem, that there’s a group of bad, middling and good properties and blessings - gives you something to hunt for, gives you a bit more in terms of trying to explore the best combinations of blessings and properties.

Obviously with the rather absurd lottery RNG in the game at the moment, compounding that RNG with a whole bunch of properties and blessings you’d never want - isn’t the greatest. Especially since those good blessings have a lower chance to appear on the weapon, since they decided to weight the blessings differently in the lottery.

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Big Thank you, for taking the time to explain this! :heart:

Cool. However on some blessings it’s Rending +1 up to +4, which is confusing. How much is Rending +1? 1%, 10%? Some other percentage?


You should pin that somewhere.

So when my weapon says it’s stacking 17.5% power 5 times, I really do get 87.5% power?
Compared to 4%power based on stamina, it hardly seems fair hahaha.

Would it be possible to have the effect be explained in a popup, if we highlight keywords with our mouse?
Like they do in Legends of Runterra or other TCGs?

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Even if it was 5 times stacking to 17,5% it would be no brainer compared to 4%.

The problem here is: knowing FS’s history I’m not sure it even works.
Like, I’m reading descriptions on items and I can’t help but laugh.
+3 rendering, +2 stamina, +2% damage for heavy attacks - it all just screams - it’s not a complete game.
Having 20% carapace damage on weapons that deal 0 dmg to carapace.

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i would assume its 1 = 1%

yeah! but keep in mind there are 4 tiers to talents and also the weapon they are tied to matters, a big chunk of a small pool might not be as big as a small chunk of a big pool.

Just a minor clarification, then, what does +1 rending mean? Is it 1%? 10%? Or some other measure?

And, about stagger, if a mob gets heavy staggered, is it a heavy stagger for the whole duration? Or does it go through light and medium stagger in a sort of curve.

Thank you for explaining all this!

That would be such a low number that would not matter aside from extreme min maxing for breakpoints.

yeah i dont see it being any real use outside of boss’s maybe if its a suitably fast low damage weapon crushers and reapers but by and large your not hitting anything a lot of times in this game outside of boss’s

That is awesome! thank you so much for coming in and giving us the details. This will help greatly in working out what weapon best suits my playstyle

each stack of rending is 5%.


Heavy stagger is only one stagger, there’s no curve over light/medium. So for stuff that scales on number of staggers we just count the number of times an enemy has been staggered, not the size of the stagger.