Ripper Bayonet poke doesn’t stagger Crushers anymore, as in no_stagger, I have the Slam talent node on too.
I could have sworn it staggered them fully in the recent past, you could bayonet stagger them out of an overhead swing IIRC.
P.S. I haven’t looked at the LUA or observed them in a match.
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Spawn a crusher in Psykanium, disable invisibility (mod) and poke them.
Or without mods, poke a static one observe no staggers no matter how many times you bayonet them. Shield slams will stagger them.
Yeah Ogryn seems to have a lot of difficulty staggering Crushers/Bulwarks now, while other stagger-reduction ignoring moves still work. Makes Skullcrusher a lot harder to make good on vs them than before when we could knock them down to the floor.
Figured it was a stealth nerf though, since it was a little ridiculous how much you could bully crushers with +10% AS and heavy attack benefits combined with guaranteed stagger.
I sure miss it though, if it’s a bug then happy days!