Ogryn Slap and Punch Stagger does not line up with expectations/past patch notes

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I am not quite sure whether or not this should be into the Feedback Section or the Bug report but given past Patchnotes i feel like its an unintentional side effect of recent changes. I feel this way because Patch 14 lists specifically the increase of Stagger force on Weakspot hits for Clubs and Slap, as well as for the Rock to Stagger Monstrosities on a Weakspot hit (i do not think that works anymore, but maybe my aim was just off and i couldn’t hit the Beast of Nurgles Weakspot properly the last times i tried)

Thus I do believe the change was unintentional and thus probably constitutes a bug.

I’ll have to try the Bull Butcher Cleaver on Monstrosities, as i didn’t want to install the creature spawning mod for the Psykhanium just to test it. Could we get the Chaos Ogryn back into the Psykhanium maybe?

Further there are some inconsistencies…

Kourk MK VI and MK IV Cleaver Uppercut: Does Stagger Crushers more than Maulers. Even on a Weakspot hit of the Mauler it does barely flinch, but the Crusher takes a step back. Why is the Mauler more resistant to the uppercut then the Crusher?

Bull Butcher Cleaver: The effect of the uppercut on the Mauler is good here. It actually Staggers them and makes them take a Step. Over all i feel this one feels about right, with exception of the effect on a Reaper. It can Stagger Crushers, you can hit the Bastion shield like 7 or 8 times to break it… it does feel good to use.

“Brunt’s Basher” MK IIIb “Bully Club”: The Slap does not even Stagger a reaper anymore, or any Ogryns. When I Slap a Bastion from behind it doesn’t even phase them, let alone help you break the Shield Cover. At least the Uppercut allows you to get through the shield if you hit them 6ish times. The Crusher doesn’t even notice… you might as well caress them. It struggles to Stagger Scab Ragers (it does stagger Dreg Ragers)… even Gunners are mightily unimpressed. In general a regular heavy attack has more Stagger force than the Special. Why does this Special still exist when it is absolutely worse than just hitting things?

“Brunt’s Special” MK I Bully Club: Here the Slap can at least make the Bastion take a step back when you hit the shield, but even hitting them 10 times did not break the Shield. Hitting Bastions from the Side does nothing to impress them. They don’t notice you hit them at all. Crushers get a very slight stagger on the 2nd hit from this slap. And as funny as Bee Slapping a Crusher is… heavy attacks are still more effective. I can achive the same Stagger on the Crusher, on the 2nd hit with a regular heavy attack. So why would i do the Special Attack?

Oddly enough the Brunt’s Special is the one that affected the Mauler the 2nd most. It still barely does anything, but it is worth noting. Also here we have a strange inconsistency in enemy behavior with the Ragers. Slapping the Scab rager throws them on the ground (and that feels good and right), but Dreg Ragers only get a Stagger and ain’t thrown down.

“Brunt’s Pride” MK II Bully Club: Again, hitting enemies with the heavy attack is so much more potent than just slapping them. Like the “Brunt’s Special” you can turn the Bastion by slapping it, which is fine, but could be better. Hitting them from the sides makes them absolutely uninterested in being slapped. Reapers are equally indifferent, more indifferent than Crushers and i do not know why. For Ragers the effect is minuscule and compared to the way they are reacting to a heavy hit… i have to once again ask… what is this slap for?

And the often overlooked Brute Brainer MK III Latrine Shovel Uppercut… it feel like the weakest uppercut of them all, with exception against Dreg Ragers… and against Dreg Ragers its absolutely hilariously funny to use… as it will actually lift them straight up and throw them back down. I wish this would happen with more enemies than just the Dreg Rager… and sadly hitting things with your regular attack again is more effective. For the fact that the other two Shovels have the ability to have a massive strike down, i really don’t understand why this special feels so anemic to use. And while we are at it… why is the heavy attack of this shovel so weak against crushers in terms of stagger force? Of all the weapons i tested for this post… this is the one weapon that did the most damage and had the least visible effect. For the amount of damage it did to the Crusher the Crusher sure doesn’t care. Not even a flinch or an acknowledgement of being hit.

And finally, a last “while we are at it”… could you cut down the activation time of the Achlys MK I Power Maul? Unpowered it has less force behind it than any of the regular Clubs and while the Force field is a real Stagger Monstrosity the damage gain isn’t that great and i can just use a regular Club as it will Stagger enemies as well… might not throw them 5 meters away and out of my range, so i have to walk after them… but i feel like the Acklys Stagger force is to low on the regular attacks and the activating the Special takes to long to justify the low damage. (And i know you tried to address that in Patch… i think 18 (Secrets of the Machine God)… when you rebalanced the Acklys Moveset… it just isn’t quite there yet)

Pushpower also might need looking at. When i went through the recent Patchnotes i saw you increasing the Pushpower a number of times, but i feel like Pushing of Elites doesn’t really do anything as an Ogryn right now, unless i am using a Shield.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Equip a Club, Cleaver or the Latrine Shovel in Psykhanium and Special Attack Elites aiming for their Weakspots.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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