Revolver needs a dmg buff

Revolver was used by too many players

What are you talking about, revolver is one of the least used guns.

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Sorry, I’m just being silly.

:sob: why why why :sob:

well I could tell it was sarcastic, because nobody in their right mind would otherwise say it

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You truly have the worst sarcasm detector I’ve seen in months.

Is this sarcasm, i turned my detector off and now i can’t tell

Poe’s law.

If it seems like sarcasm its probably just thinly veiled passive aggression. If you dont explode and write 10 paragraphs about how to fix revovler, to set the record straight, fatshark will definitely buff power sword and flamer instead.

Really needed. That and the bolter also.
On the other end, we need nerfed revolver, shotgun and, off course, at first the MG Ia.
This is really abnormal the large amount of ammos this gun has. Too high damages for this extraordinary amount of ammos

(Sarcasms inside)

I’m glad we have sane and reasonable players in the game, like yourself, advocating for the changes that ensure years of enjoyment and diverse array of viable weapons.

I’m sure they’ll find a way to nerf the thunderhammer no matter what I say so I think its OK.

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