Reverting a difficulty increase without any player feedback

I am glad the change was reverted. The difficulty was unwarranted and unneeded. For how much people claim they liked it online, in the actual gmae I only ever saw people saying the hated it.

I’d love to know what level those people were and how many hours they have in the game.

I know you’re looking for a certain type of player in your mind that is to blame, but it isn’t just casual low hours players. I don’t mind the changes one way or the other and I have about 1k hours in it.

Conversely, some of my friends with closer to 400-600 hours, found the shooter changes challenging in an anti-fun way. And these are friends (including myself) that regularly play Fromsoft titles and PvP games ranging from shooters to League of Legends.

If that level of masochism doesn’t help explain that it isn’t just an entitlement/skill issue thing then I don’t know what to tell you.

edit - I can screencap my steam later too if you want, since I doubt you’ll take me at my word. Currently at work


I like Shade. She’s a cute waifu. I actually used to play a variety of classes but when I got into these modded difficulties as well as Chaos Wastes on Twitch Cata, I had to main something so I can improve as a player and that something was cute Shade.

Hex is right. You say you’d love to know, but you’re already 100% convinced they’re noobs, without me even saying a word.

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Sounds like we need a modded realm difficulties, just like in VT2, which is problematic from what I remember.

The hardest difficulty is supposed to be just that, the hardest. That means it isn’t supposed to be cleared consistently nor easily. I am sorry that you and your group of friends have chose to live a non-challenging route in life but that is completely your choice, not mine. Some of us enjoy a challenge, some of us want to expand our skills and gameplay even more. We aren’t happy with being stagnant for hundreds and hundreds of hours being presented with the same exact enemy AI for years and years.


I don’t need to know someone is a noob if they complain about a miniscule update to enemy AI. If you weren’t struggling to survive before this update - I guarantee you barely noticed the difficulty increase outside of ragers insane attack speed. If you were struggling before this update? Oh you better believe you are going to be dying much more often now - thus the “THIS GAME DIDN’T NEED MORE DIFFICULTY WAHHHH”


What prickles me is they reverted the best of the changes (maybe tied with the Dreg Rager change). Reduce stagger or something on Gunners instead, don’t touch basic shooters.

God forbid players have to think about positioning.


So it seems like you’re only taking what you want to see from what I wrote and not what I was implying, fair enough.

I’ll write it in a way you can’t get it twisted.

We do challenge ourselves. We do enjoy it.

I didn’t change to a better loadout than my crappy strength build against a pre-nerf Radahn 30 times in a row because I hate challenge.

I don’t turn off the PvP games I enjoy after losing a single match.

But challenge can be done in a better way than the way it was done here. And certainly in a way that doesn’t feel unfun.

Challenge shouldn’t feel tedious.


The worst part is that this gunner change finally forced less aware players to actually check for stray gunners. They just started to learn and clean up after themselves, because a single gunner could ruin a rez or instantly delete your toughness, when left unchecked.

It was great to see the players slowly improve, but then FS had to go full helicopter mom and listen to the people crying.


I’m not happier when the game is watered down too much, but I can see why a large number of very accurate and aggressive shooters sucked much of the fun for many people; it wasn’t quite the right approach.

OTOH, maybe replacing some of the new (now reverted) ultra shooters with more melee elites or something would have been the way to go.

Many of us have said it for ages, capping rewards and stuff at Heresy, like VT2 did, would have cut down on the tourists.


Yes, a challenge should feel tedious. That is the entire point of it being challenging. If I was able to instantly overcome every challenge and breeze through this game do you think I would have 1400 hours on it? No. They have 15 difficulties for people like you to rummage through and mess with. The hardest challenges SHOULD be reserved for those who actively want to challenge themselves and be presented with more challenges.

I can only imagine if they added something similar to the Chaos Wastes from v2 into this game, you’d have all the crybabies up in arms that you need a checkpoint system so they don’t have to sit at their pc for such an extended period of time.

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Yup and then they reinforce their attitude by making them think its perfectly normal lol


Brother you have been here for hours now, you aren’t normal

umm no, absolutely not.

Alright let me double check to make sure we’re not having a misunderstanding based on a word.

Tedious - too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.

This is the thing you want when you seek challenge? Time consuming I understand, but dull and/or monotonous?

If so, fair enough, I have no more reason to argue. To each their own. I enjoy playing games with challenges that are designed with entertainment in mind. Clearly, we disagree.

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It’s called having a day off, doing laundry, dishes, and stuff around the house

Okay maybe I was thinking tedious meant something more along the lines of a pain in the a** cause it was hard. Anyway, I don’t think gunners being buffed caused more tedium in missions. If anything it caused more careful gameplay that consisted of strategy and planning rather than just “CHARGE OUT HERE AND OBLITERATE EVERYTHING IN MY PATH”

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They did, since there are no fun ways to deal with them