Reverting a difficulty increase without any player feedback

Sprint/slide and dodge/sliding prevents all ranged fire. That’s two ways of dealing with them.

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Stop arguing with them, just have a rest, my dear comrade. I am a 2700 hour Tider, I can understand you, but it’s much harder for less experienced players to understand what you think as obvious.

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This is a fair statement.

As to how they can make a change that satisfies everyone, I’m not sure. But clearly, some people didn’t find it fun in the same way as you, that’s all I’m saying.

Tider lmao do you take yourself seriously?

You’re missing the point here. I understand that we have the tools to deal with the added gunners. My success percentage didn’t go down last week.

The game didn’t become more fun because you needed to slide/dodge/cover more.

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It’s called enjoying a game, something obviously lost on you

But you aren’t enjoying the game? Youve been complaining for hours

You don’t need to start all your sentences with “It’s called” - you’re not Chandler Bing, relax

You don’t need to make personal attacks with someone who disagrees with you.

I will say again, it’s not that most people didn’t understand how to deal with the gunners, it’s about the fact that it was just tedious and boring to deal with them

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What’s the problem of enjoying a game? I have the time, I have the spirit, and I am also a 40k fan. That’s good for me.

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You realize its sweeping generalizations like this that got the range buff nerfed?

I do agree I’m not too thrilled with FS roadmap over the past 2 years, but they have good traction and a lot of communication this last month. We should appreciate they are tinkering and making changes.

I don’t know about that. Weaves are tedious, and they’re not very popular. There’s definitely an art to making something difficult and fun. Humans only have a certain threshold trying the same thing over and over again until they give up. And you know what they say about trying the same thing too many times expecting a different result. :slight_smile:


His name is doge, that should answer your question.

It’s like wrestling a pig in mud, at some point, you have to realize that the pig likes it!

(plus his holier-than-thou “i have a lot of hours in this game, that makes my opinion more important” approach, is a pretty huge hint that this person isn’t looking to engage in good-faith discussion)

I understand your point - its tedious and unfun to be constantly barraged by gunner fire wherever you step. Out the doorway? Toughness bar is gone. Try to run to the next corridor? One regular gunner deletes your entire toughness bar in a split second. I am not denying they are overtuned - if ANYTHING, they should just reduce the amount of toughness/health damage they do per shot rather than nerfing their actual AI. I enjoy more responsive AI because it makes the game feel much more immersive.


The biggest difference most my friends who played Darktide are now playing and staying with helldivers is that enemies are NOT bullet sponges. I strongly agree that approaching difficulty should not feel tedious.

Yeah I was thinking tedious meant something more along the lines of difficulty with fun involved lol


Heh, I’ll admit I enjoy the bullet sponge approach, but I get it’s not for everyone; which wraps around to part of my point. Everyone has different approaches of what difficulty feels tough and fun to them, which is why modded V2 has a bunch of different people modding different difficulties. Unfortunately it didn’t really catch on for Darktide, though I know it’s been tried briefly.


Thank you for engaging with me, I really appreciate it, now we’re talking!

So I agree with you, incremental changes would have been best. In the other thread, someone mentioned they are heading out on vacation and probably just didn’t want to deal with the headache.

I hope more incremental updates that allow us a tailored experience for those who are looking for a challenge. I think it’s unlikely, but… here’s hoping!

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If a person who plays chess all the time and is in a chess league makes a complaint about a new rule that was implemented does that mean he doesn’t enjoy the game?

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Why you gotta call me out like that. :wink: I’m not insane, the game just came out, how was I supposed to know Radahn was weak to rot? The dude bathes in the crap!

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If they are heading out on a long vacation then yes it would make sense to rollback a change to gunners because they seems to be the main thing people seem to have issues with on Darktide. I was one of those people for a long time lol. I’ve just got really good at positioning myself around walls/doorways/barrels/boxes so I don’t get blindsided by that random gunner fire… sliding every dodge/sprint helps a lot also. That’s why I re-iterate that its perfectly possible to survive and even complete missions with the new update. The hardest missions in the game should feel like just that, the hardest mission with little hope of surviving.

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