Reverting a difficulty increase without any player feedback

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Fukā€™em its the hardest difficulty so if they canā€™t do T6 then to bad. They should keep doing T5, the point is changing what these people are familiar with isnt gonna work coz they will cry out.


What is it about having five different difficulties do you not understand? What is it about having THREE VARIATIONS of EACH DIFFICULTY, do you not understand? You have SEDITION, UPRISING, MALICE, HERESY, AND DAMNATION. Out of those FIVE, you can pick REGULAR, LOW INTENSITY, OR HI INTENSITY. That means each mission has THREE VARIATIONS of difficulty. That is 15 difficulties to choose from. What else do you want from them



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Thank god. Vermintide is the better game anyways.

Sure, but Iā€™m a bit beyond Cata now. :sweat_smile:

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It does make sense. However, adding a new difficulty tier does seems to be the ā€œfastestā€ way to introduce harder enemies and having everyone understand that there will be infact harder enemies if Fatshark does introduce another difficulty level.

The second option to add more harder enemies would then to make it into a modifier, that would however bring the problems with quickplay and having more bloat in the mission selection pool, not everyone is going to like these new modifiers that comes out. But who knows, elite resistance might make a comeback, in one form or another.

Personally, and as others have said, Iā€™d like to see the addition of new enemy types. Each trying to fill a role to act as a ā€œcounterā€ to the more, for the lack of a better word, overtuned things players can do and/or use. Enemy psykers to shut down the psyker players, adding more disablers for ogryns, giving smoke grenades to the rank and file enemies to make it harder for veterans to shoot them down and at least having one or two enemies capable to spot players in stealth.

Just release a ā€˜chaosā€™ tier where every enemy has nurgle blessing buff.

Problem solved. Everyone will know itā€™s meant to be b@tsh1t crazy because all the enemies are glowing green.

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If Fatshark does add a new difficulty, Iā€™d hope that they would add prerequisites for players to complete before hand. One thing that I feel that they have underused alot as a design space in this game is infact soloplay, and Iā€™m not talking about running normal maps but with bots or no bots at all.

The closest thing I can think of in this game is the introduction mission when you escape from your cell in the beginning of the game. Having short special missions that players need to complete on their own or perhaps with a special servoskull bot to help to unlock an added difficulty level.

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Solo (with bots) was something that they promised right after launch. Never talked about for half a year and then confirmed to be more or less dead.

Itā€™s not that FS doesnā€™t ā€˜utilizeā€™ a mechanic. Itā€™s more that they flat out refuse to out of some misguided stubbornness. I believe it to be swedish quirk. See the borderline way Arrowhead handles their balancing for instance.

Thatā€™s most disappointing.

Let me stop you there buddy, they dont :smiley:
But also, couple months back when they had either a bug or hidden decision, the game was spawning around 20+ gunners per arena ON TOP of basic ranged enemies. IN BASIC DAMNATION

People came to forums with "its NOT fun to be perma stunned from half the map away, and that perma requiring to slide is carpal tunnel inducing c-nacer.
We were met with elitist r-tards ā€˜git gudā€™ as they have absolutely no capacity to understand, that there are people with less than 3K hours

Earlier, people had suggested to me to handicap myself if I wanted a challenge in different threads. Clearly, this isnā€™t the answer. That is, using profaned gear or intentionally brick weapons. While I donā€™t suggest doing that, might I make a suggestion?

What I enjoy doing is using weapons that arenā€™t used and practicing with them. In this case, the Bolt Pistol/Super Shotgun and perhaps the obscurus or the devil claw or some other psyker weapon that isnā€™t used too often. Iā€™ll play on builds i have the most trouble with. Makes you feel more like a badass when you can pull of clutches with subpar equipment. Do you think you could give that a try in lieu of a new difficulty? Or is the lack of shooter suppression that big of an issue?
(God, this takes forever!)

so basically this tells me two things:

first, the never ā€œget goodā€ in the first place, for they lack even the tiniest dedication to improve themselves.

second, they dont stick around for long anyways (look at steam charts).

usually they jump in a match(far outa their league as well) whenever new content pops up, then numbers drop again to the remaining playerbase.

now this is a purely subjective perception but i rather witness high true level players with paid cosmetics, so in the end it seems them keeping the lights on as well.

its true that casuals are a necessity but to balance around them up till the highest settings when they arent even fit or willing to contribute is bonkers.

like refusing to stack heavy weights in the gym cause the chicken legs cant lift em and not make em feel bad.

the idea that someone is entitled to a certain difficulty just because he bought the game quite frankly is disgusting to me.

if we put this logic to use in the real world, weakness and inefficiency would be the norm instead of evolving into a creature that made space travel possible.

since beta, the only longer period i missed playing was when i was in hospital in january due to pneumonia.

even then i watched my replays and other darktide channel daily to not get out of the loop and fight that drowsy feeling.

bought a ā€œbitā€ of cosmetics as well.

so by what logic should i tolerate having the ONE setting spoiled with catering to ā€œcasualsā€ that got no business in there in the first place?

while at it, get rid of competitive sports as well cause the obese feel bad about sweating riding their motorized whatevers to the next trough.

Aw man. Speaking of which, after many months of practice I just finally completed a Cata 3 run solo with bots:

Off to grind my face off at Onslaught nextā€¦

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I was about to commend you, then I saw you using shade and closed the video.

My disgust is immeasurable.

50 successful auric maelstrom matches with not being last in certain metrics should be a good indicator of contributing value to a match.

Youā€™re right, thatā€™s true.

From my point of view, T5 difficulty should not be designed for casual players: just let T4 and T5 mission have same rewards, and encourage causal players to play T4 mission.

DT can be a very challenging game, thatā€™s what sets it apart. Really Tiders like challenge, thatā€™s why we play this game for thousands of hours.

Iā€™m a community admin in CN DT community, in May,2024 we held a True duo competiton in our community, which was a great success.
I see how people enjoy chanllenge and fight for victory, thatā€™s real game. BTW, even causal players like that competition, LOL.



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