
First off I’m sorry for this rant but I GET SO F’ING angry knowing that the only thing most people within the gaming industry live for these days is greed.
Every lot that has passion and love put into the game has been complelety overshadowed by the idiotic marketing and specific designs of greed.

How the f does it feel to get your wallets filled with money you take from consumers when you know the product is crap?
I don’t care if a big corporate crap call decided to put you on radio silence for this big pile of s**t, give us SOME information anyway even if it costs you.
Screw the big companies.
Have they lost the love for the art or have you?

I know you can do better fatshark but a shitfest along with radio silence just reminds me of battlefield 2042s release. Also a cash grab before Christmas. That game is slowly coming back on its feet after over a year but at what cost?
Excuses, blatant lies and greed pretty much killed that game aswell.

Is this the game that will define fatshark in the future?

I’m just amazed how you can choose to be remembered for greed and not passion.

The duration of this mess without any updates or information drives me crazy.

Ah well, enjoy digging your grave i guess.

And you sorely WONT be forgotten:
Despair and resentment


Wait until you find about the rest of capitalism!

Jokes aside, it’s extremely depressing. Between the Darktide debacle and One D&D, it’s really starting to feel like hobbies are just going to be exclusively for the wealthy.


Ironic, because the sentiment I get from all these increasingly naked anti consumer practices in every industry is something along the lines of “Take it and shut up, peasant.”


Ah, the naivete and lack of experience and knowledge of youth.
Best and worst of us all.

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Lets not forget the overpriced graphics card market… it’s joyful paying about 200% mark up on all graphics card these days just because…

and with the huge electronics tax in my country i’m paying closer to 250%… :frowning:


I hear that. It’s like the people who run the world are massively out of touch with what’s really going on atm.

The price of everything exploded lately. More and more people wont be able to keep up with the current raft of hardware. I wonder how many people see this message This pc doesn’t currently meet windows 11 system requirements or look at the price of a new graphics card that cost more than they earn in a month.

Everything is so F’d lol

GeForce RTX 4090 Starting at £1,599



Once i brought a car for less money than that btw lol yeh yeh im old i know :slight_smile:

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In summary… “next week™” you will get a “next week™” answer… Or maybe an hotfix.
But sure, no content and no crafting cause they don’t care of what we think

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@Rieven its only gpu’s that are crazy expensive and its only beacuse “mainly” nvidia is greedy and the msrp for their sh*t is double what it should be

I’ve been putting off building a new rig for ages hoping it’ll calm down a bit.

@Rieven tbh i would just got amd, nvidia’s only redeeming feature was rtx and its not important anymore

Love it or hate it we live in a capitalist system. People invest capital to make more capital. There is no point getting upset at this or that individual company when there are systems level causes for this that create the same results over and over across the board.

Even in good times the 4090 is not even remotely marketed toward the average gamer lol, it’s one of highest end cards they make. If you say times are rough and are complaining about that then how about budgeting for less caviar?

Now the 50, 60, and 70 series cards, those are over priced and actually matter to the average gamer.

The players did a lot to it like e.g. they didn´t want to pay for subs on live-service games. So the market changed with less “entrance-prizes” or games even went f2p to get more players into games to have a healthy playerbase.
Such stuff like cosmetics are even a minor issue and while dozens of poeple get FOMO´d or try to find other reasons to get upset about “the greedyness”, they should actually see reality. It´s a company and they need money. One major reason to develop games is to get money and to either support the game or go for the next.
On top the wealthy poeple, who buy those 10 bucks skins or whatever, are the guys who keep the servers alive and who take care for any free-update within the games lifespan.

And in case of DT… it´s a 40 bucks game which offers like 100 - endless hours of playtime. May go into cinema and 40 bucks are wasted within 2 hours, or just go and buy some food which is gone within 3 days.
You can call it bad examples, but away from the hardware, which poeple can ignore these days with stuff like shadowplay, gaming is really cheap and offers a huge “compensation” for that bit of money.

cant offer 100 hours of gameplay if it doesnt get past the title screen lol, many people still cant play the game, errors 4008, 2007, 2006

id like to know what you consider good price for performance currently

Yeah play something superior and maybe check back in 6 months, thats at least my current plan.

That is used as an example to illustrate a point. Thanks for explaining that there are cheaper graphics cards on the market though lol.

I’d argue that people SHOULD get upset at it. When we shrug our shoulders and say, “well, that’s just the way it is” it gives companies like Fatshark the screen they need to release garbage games, reap the benefits, and then drag us along for years while they fix their broken game under the guise of “live service”. And all the while, they’re releasing more and more (poorly QCed) cosmetics to keep the money train rolling. It’s not okay. We don’t have to take it lying down.

The French routinely set everything on fire when somebody suggests any minor inconvenience for them. We should all strive to be like the French.


How many hours did you spend “hate-playing” this product? I assume you no longer play, uninstalled it and will never return.

You may not have noticed, but the game has lost tens of thousands of players in less than 60 days and has a mostly negative 30 day rating of 38% (at the time of this post).