Me and my brother both love this game and playing together. I feel so terrible whenever I read most comments/forum posts being far too negative. It feels like people have forgotten that the point of video games is to have fun - not just what the game gives you, but making your own! Everyone seems to play games to win or to be the best nowadays and in general, that’s okay. But the negativity is far too prevalent for this subsect of video game enjoyers. I feel terrible guilt reading all of the rude and entitled things that people tend to write and I’m sorry, Fatshark. I wish that the people that love the game like I do were more vocal than the ones who seem to hate it. I hope someone at Fatshark reads this and knows that there are those of us who love to have and make fun in your wonderful game. Thank you, friends. I hope that you never become discouraged by the hate. Keep doing what you want to do. Me and my brother will keep enjoying your game whether new things are added or not
Big <3 to the sentiment. Yea, sometimes it’s a bummer to see something you enjoy, warts and all, get crapped on endlessly!
Don’t let anybody yuck your yum.
Hey its a post without the backhanded blaming. I really like the game and it really does suck that they deflate so much hype without news. But maybe that’s them leaning into the theme. Or stockholm syndrome or whatever the community psychiatrists want to call it.
Most of the upset people love the game and want to have fun with it.
It’s seeing how much more insanely fun the game could so easily be that frustrates people.
you do realise that people wanting the game to improve doesn’t detract from your enjoyment right?
And we, the community, have been simply asking Fatshark to improve communication, refine the systems to make them smoother, and add content to extend the games lifespan.
We are not asking them to destroy the game, or take away your fun, or reinvent the game. We want clear signs of improvement, development, and I dunno maybe an actual future for the game???
My point here is stop feeling like we’re being MEAN to a friend of yours, and see them as a business SELLING YOU A PRODUCT.
Oh god another one of these posts
Yes how dare we expect fatshark to do below the bare minimum
How dare we expect them to at least keep to their own word or at least say why they couldn’t
Oh no people on the internet with DIFFERENT OPINIONS well gosh darn how dare they expect fatshark to do any better than below the bare minimum they can never improve and never should, we should just mindlessly support this business that only wants to suck us dry with low effort over price cosmetic sets because this is a charity they do this for us and definitely not the shareholders.
God when will this insane mentality of the company is my friend stop, especially towards companies like fatshark that constantly treat its community poorly and have shown absolutely 0 willingness or ability to improve in over a decade.
This isn’t a charity, Fatshark didn’t make this game for you. It’s a product that you bought as a transaction.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Companies are made of people, and Fatshark happens to be a company made of incredibly talented people who have made some pretty amazing games. Yes, their games are products. But they’re also art. And no one else has made them or, for my money, anything that comes close gameplay-wise.
The OP felt compelled to make a post acknowledging the humans – people who very likely have felt the sting of insults and anger spurred by some of the policies, missteps and failings of the organization they contribute meaningful portions of their lives to – behind a piece of art that they’ve spent many hours enjoying and sharing with others. I feel the same way as OP, especially whenever I see someone calling for the sound team to be fired or whatever.
Agreed, and thank you for saying this OP!
Some people with a conscience and empathy feel hurt when they see others hurt. I’m one of those people.
As for you and others criticizing the game, some of you do it like you said, yes. They do it right and for the right reasons. But many, especially the vocal part (minority or not, idk) most definitely do not.
I doubt many would disagree that Fatshark has left a whole lot to be desired with their development speed, priorities and communication. But the only thing we a can do about that is point it out and ask for better. Getting frustrated and letting it show is ofc understandable, up to a point. But going way beyond that with malicious troll threads, namecalling, open toxicity, threats and screaming for guillotines while riling everyone up with a lynch mob mentality has nothing to do with critique or making the game better. Claiming otherwise is nothing short of bs.
Real critique never looks like personal insults and wanton bullying. Ever.
…yeah okay, onto the blocklist you go. Don’t have the time or patience to deal with someone who engages in passive-aggressive conduct like this.
Cool, so you’d be able to point out when people ‘screamed for guillotines’?
Blocked for pointing out the value of empathy?
Yeah, likewise and good bye forever.
The very idea that people working in the developement team are going on the Fatshark forums and feeling shocked or upset at comments by anonymous people is ridiculous. And you all damn well know it too.
Are we seriously suggesting that some sort of mass bullying or harassment has ever taken place towards anyone other than “company”?
I swear if you point out my comedic use of Juan at Fatshark (the creative lead) as an example, I’m pulling the clown card on you.
I think the Fatshark devs worry about the forums, about as much as Frank on the tills at the supermarket cares about their forums.
i love it when, people make broad claims, and when you ask them to prove any of it they barely manage to find one example…
where are these people who screech their lungs out? am i in a decoy forum or something?
Look, obviously there are plenty of reasons to both criticize and praise this game when looked at in its totality. Both have been done plenty. Read whatever intelligent and constructive criticism from engaged fans with whatever level of interest you possess, but take all the overtly obnoxious and toxic threads for the generic, sulfurous internet noise that it is. It’s just people being reactionary and upsetti-spaghetti. There’s no need to take it any more seriously than that, whether you’re a dev, an empathic person or a fan of the game. Humans + the internet = just one o’ them things. My advice is to not throw it on top of your own baggage.
I would understand this post more if this was just some tiny indie studio working on a passion project, because in those cases yes, it does in fact take a very long time to develop games, and sometimes developers aren’t going to have anything flashy to show for weeks.
Fatshark is not a small game studio. It is a company of over 200 employees who were supposed to make a horde shooter that would blow the others out of the water, and failed miserably - which has continued to fail miserably.
The very fact I have to read an apologist post makes me angry, because we shouldn’t have apologist posts in the first place - we should be having productive discussion about the current state of the game and discuss metas, but we can’t have those things because the current state of the game isn’t productive in the first place.
Your point about the feelings of developers getting hurt is, quite frankly, absurd. Community Managers sign on to the job knowing that they’re probably gonna be the ones taking the brunt of the flak whenever the developers make a mistake, because gamers are toxic and they like to throw shade at the easiest target - that’s why I feel my duty as a player is to provide constructive criticism, state what I want from the game and the studio in a polite and clear manner, and overall cooperate with the company to make a better game.
Games don’t release perfect - even with all the years of QA behind some legendary titles, there are still issues that slip through the cracks that the playerbase will find and communicate to the developers. Fatshark’s problem is that there are issues that shouldn’t have been issues in the first place, and upon receiving feedback, they take far too long to even say something along the lines of “we’re working on these issues and making these other issues lower-priority”.
Communication is the key to reduce vitriol among your playerbase, and FS does not do enough of it to keep the players happy - when they do communicate, it sounds constructed, disconnected, and dishonest. They perform a meek apology and say “but we’re totally working on something”, then go radio silent again.
I’m not going to point fingers, because I don’t know where to start, and I would probably be wrong anyways, but there is a clear problem with how Fatshark as a game studio is managed and operated. This needs to change in order for Darktide to become the awesome game it could have been from the start. It’s already great, but it could be better - and the fact that we’re telling them HOW it could be better and are receiving silence in response tells us that they don’t play or enjoy their own game.
I’m sorry if I riled anyone up. I didn’t mean to say that criticism or holding a company accountable is wrong in any way. I just wanted to say how bad I feel when I go to the discussions under a new update announcement on Steam or here, hoping to see some people excited and only see (what seems to be) a majority of people expressing negative views on it. It makes me feel guilty and I just hope that it doesn’t discourage the employees that see it as well. I love and enjoy this game and any content that is added at this point is a pleasant bonus to me. I hope everyone is happy with whatever the end product ends up being
Question, why do you feel guilty for being excited? Why does other peoples issues with certain systems ruin your enjoyment? Is it because you expect others to view things the same way you do or is it because you want to fit in and feel bad that internet strangers aren’t as easily excited as you are? I’m glad that you’re excited, I just can’t be. I expect games that desire to be quality, have quality gameplay, yet lack quality systems to support that game to fix those issues. If not the core gameplay can only hold me for so long before I get frustrated beyond all belief.
I will say that a lot of the frustrations are understood and deserved, although I agree I don’t think the way they choose to criticize the developers is the most productive.
That said, people don’t get this angry about things they’re indifferent to. If they’re here complaining, it means they like the game. Or want to like the game.

I just wanted to say how bad I feel when I go to the discussions under a new update announcement on Steam or here, hoping to see some people excited and only see (what seems to be) a majority of people expressing negative views on it. It makes me feel guilty and I just hope that it doesn’t discourage the employees that see it as well.
You shouldn’t feel guilty, I mean you probably know that right? All of us, apart from a very strange few, here on this forum absolutely love the game and only want it to improve. A lot of us have chatted with the community managers on multiple occasions and they have said to us they understand.
In the recently announced update they said that they are adding a way to change height, gender, voice etc. Man, I remember that request from when the game launched 1 and a half years ago. Fatshark heard that request back then and have just had it backlogged that long. One and a half years!
Yeah, they are really just that slow.
I’m not gonna deny seeing HD2 do everything I wanted Darktide to do was frustrating, it’s not surprising that game put the Darktide community on f*cking suicide watch lol.
But we are slowly closing in on a point where Darktide can be rated as the elusive “great game”. It has come a long way, albeit far too slowly. Once the HD2 release hype cycle is done, and we start closing in on the itemisation revamp, I’d like to think positivity will start to ramp up.
It’s funny that you feel empathy towards FS but not towards players who’ve spend their money and time - they could have spent elsewhere - on a broken product for a good half of the year 1. It’s almost as if your “empathy” is actually not a true empathy at all and just a selfish bias towards a game you enjoy more than most people. One thing is feeling empathetic towards someone you know and love personally, but feeling empathy towards complete strangers you’ve never even met is always so fake.
If you actually experienced “empathy”, you would understand where people’s complaints are coming from, even if they’re harsh with their words at times.
Many people who “hate the game” actually provided tangible feedback to the developers to improve the game. 1.5 year later they caved in to change the crafting only because the game is dying and can’t keep the players, while their competition has 100x players. Which is funny, you know, because people didn’t like crafting from day 1. Yet for some reason FS only decided to change it NOW when the game dips below 3k players… could it be that they suddenly care now because they have no way to monetize the game?
By the way, positive feedback rarely accomplishes anything. It’s negative feedback and complaints that spur the changes. Everything good that happens now with the game - more cosmetics being added and crafting being changed - is the result of people “hating” on the lack of farmable outfits and “hating” the RNG of the crafting system.