Requirements for Legendaries (Red Items)

Continuing the discussion from Vermintide 2 - Patch 1.0.5 - Patch Notes - Updated & Hotfixed:

They talked about veteran items(reds) back in patch 1.0.5 when they adjusted drop rates and the chests they are supposed to pop out of.

No. I believe commendation boxes are the only ones that can drop cosmetics though.

They never disclosed drop rate chances. No one but Fat Shark knows them for certain. People just run tests in the hopes of getting a ballpark idea of what they are.

Numerous people have reported getting reds much earlier than that.

This is assumed, as there is a level barrier in place for greens/blues/oranges.

I’m not sure if anyone knows what level you would “unlock” the ability to get reds. It’s probably safe to assume a barrier exists for it like the other colors. I doubt the chances change at all because of your level(E.G. from 25-30). In my experiences, I have only noticed a change in quality of loot due to tier of chest acquired. E.G., opening vaults(Legend) seems to render mostly blues and oranges. In Champion, greens appear more often. In Veteran, greens and whites appear even more frequently.

Just to clarify: Veteran items/Reds can be found from Champion General and Emperor chests, as well as any and all Legend vaults.

All reds are supposed to have illusions with glowing modifications. There is currently an issue where several items do not have any illusion/skin at all. I believe Fat Shark was made aware of this a while back. Hopefully they didn’t forget.

I can also confirm the above.

You can have an item have different red illusions. E.G., I have 2 different red versions of Sienna’s mace. They seem to just be glowing rune variations of existing illusions.