Request: Voice Communication Visualization

Not certain if I should pin this under a quality of life improvement or you bare essentials which should have been present from the start already and are missing.

So, Can we please get some means to visualize and see ‘who’ is speaking, as well as a good visual indication when you are transmitting and broadcasting yourself.


I noticed the other day, there is one. There’s a small speaker symbol that pops up by the front person’s health bar info in the lower left. It should probably also go by their floating name tag.

I agree an icon that pops up when YOU are broadcasting would be nice, like what Team Fortress 2 has. I’ve played with several open mic players who don’t realize how loud their background is…

Seriously?!? I’ve yet to spot it and even though voice communication is spars, it didn’t visually gab my attention. Anyway, I’ll keep an eye out for it.

Oh it’s super small. You can’t reasonably see it and also focus on what’s happening in front of you. Just wanted to say technically it is there if you reaaallly wanna know who’s talking lol.