A small icon indicating that you’re transmitting audio to your teammates for both push to talk and open mic would be really nice
You know, this, like many others, is a pretty standard feature for online games since, I don’t know, 15-20 years ago? You’d think we wouldn’t have to ask for this.
Yes! 100% this!
I’m on pc, but use a controller so I really can’t use “push to talk” comfortably.
Another feature that was overlooked…add push to talk to controllers. I use open mic and once in a while someone will complain they can hear me breathing heavy lol
Umm… not sure if it’s what you’re talking about, but I already do see a little speaker symbol pop up next to a party member’s icon in the corner of the screen, when they’re speaking through their mics.
I’ve seen that, too…but for some reason it seems to be random
On Push-to-talk mode, the icon can be slow to appear sometimes - feels like 0.5 - 1sec occasionally, so it can be hard to tell if what I said was actually transmitted.
I avoid Voice Activated like the plague so I don’t know if the indicator appears next to your character when transmitting
I think what they mean is an icon for your own mic activation.
I was talking about your own microphone’s activation, with that being said i have never seen that icon for the teammates either. which corner of the screen does it appear at again?
With push to talk you can see a tiny mic appear next to your name when you press the button. I don’t know if that’s what you’re referring to?
To the left of their picture icon right, where their toughness and hp bars are located.
it is yes. same icon for voice activated chat too please
Yea sorry, I can confirm there is definitely a mic icon now. People haven’t complained about hearing me with an open mic all the time, so they must have improved that.
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