Request for Fortunes Of War / Arena Style Map in DarkTide

Have there been any plans about a FoW style map for Darktide yet?

Not only has FoW been an amazing way to find new friends to play with but it is also the single most fun i’ve had after reaching the end-endgame in Vermintide. After doing all 160 Weaves, Deeds and Helmgart Challenges FoW has been THE thing to play to keep the game challenging. It took hundreds of hours to master and i had a blast meeting so many skilled players that were able to solo the map. It provided amazing memories of clutches and kept me at the edge of my seat when i was about to finish it for the first time.
Back in Vermintide there was an entire community that did about nothing else beside playing FoW for hours on end.

If there have not been any plans yet i want to emphasize the importance of such a nieche-game mode. Please keep this in mind and consider it. Or maybe you can give us any updates if this is in the works? Just… any info about it?

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It was a 100% dead gamemode in my region after that first wave of people got their borders for finishing it in the week or so after it was launched. If you didn’t get the border in that time, you just didn’t get it ever.

God, that felt bad.


I fully concur with the Chaos Cursed Cheese.
Unless there is a lot of randomization and well-done planning given into this game mode, it would die real fast. Not to mention, split the community again with something not worth the effort.

I’d rather they give us a few more interesting maps in the time they’d work on such an arena mode and maybe also some new enemy types, factions or any other form of content.

In terms of gameplay, the arena mode was worse than Weaves. The best I can say about VT2’s arena mode is that it’s existence was inoffensive. And that’s not a good thing.


You can QP Fortunes of War though. Start it as you normally will then untick ‘Private’ which it defaults to. People can join mid game too through QP.

Made a lot of cool friends thanks to this mode.


Last time I played (which was admittedly years ago) there simply weren’t enough people who were willing and able to get through it after that first week or so when all the hardcore types did it. It wasn’t realistic to expect to get through it at the top end with randoms.

Last time I loaded up V2 the Legend/Cata playerbase was literally in single-digit territory where I am. Even seeing a single active Cata lobby was a rarity.

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I think it can work, but it need to inspire more from the Chaos Waste and not FoW.

Like take CoD’s Zombie mode and VT2’s FoW, in 1, you have a mode where you finish with the weapon you start with, in 1 you only have 1 map, and 1 you have no upgrades you can gain (though in CoD, those buff are time limited).

If we get a horde mode here I think we should see it as follow:

  • In Mission weapon/boon/ammo/healing shops, which would use it’s own in mission currency (Call it Primers for example)
  • Multiple maps (Taking place in different area of the game, maybe 1 per sector)
  • Truly Endless and logarithmic increase of threat instead of finishing after a set number

Call it Wall of Martyr for fluff and it would work much more.

To this I would also add 2 out of 3 things:

  • Have a ranked mode (Instead of having a 40k Weave mode)
  • Have the ability to “build” and upgrade certain things in the missions (Turrets; AI soldier like the Skeleton from Sienna; Mines; Fortification…)
  • Threshold rewards, simply insignia that follow a certain pattern of development
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that’s amazing. great idea!

What? Heresy! :slight_smile:

I played exclusively Fortunes of War with plenty of people for hours and it was fun. Random QP is next to impossible here, but there is a whole group on Steam with a separate channel exclusively reserved for Fortunes of War runs. I still consider the runs where I solo’ed almost whole eighth wave on cata my peak VT2 performance :wink: Still, I played with several people that could solo all of it with different classes, some people were on just different skill level.

Cata FoW is the only one game mode in vanilla Vermintide 2 that was able to give me nice adrenaline kick and challenge. Solo runs on normal maps were boring and could be frustrating as hell due to RNG-factor, Chaos Wastes was very random, either you had absolute blast or absolute misery, depending on the boons you landed.
FoW was also the ultimate benchmark for stress-testing new builds, if your build could handle FoW, then it could hande everything and you could really see how it performs as the game threw just everything it had in store at you.

The moot point: the spawns were always the same. On one hand it gave you a great deal of consistency and reduced the RNG factor, on other hand it could get boring pretty quickly. We countered the monotony in our group by combining/trying out different class combinations and strategies.

I would welcome FoW style map in Darktide, but it should have different matchmaking, as the one in VT2 reduced the amount of potential players to only a handful of die-hards.

I played VT 2 for awhile and I have no idea what Fortunes of War is/are other than it’s hard and gives portrait options.

Could someone explain to me what it is? Sounds interesting.

It’s a mode where you have set waves of increasing enemies.

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Basically it is a “hidden” map, that can be only unlocked by finding and interacting with certain runes on three maps from “Return to Ubersreik” DLC. I suggest just checking YT for it, it is quite long process.

Once done however, a “Dwarven Lodestone” situated just next to Bridge of Shadows in the Keep will unlock a hidden, fourth map: Fortunes of War.

In this gamemode, Olesya breaks a spell around a hidden treasure. The map is basically a big market square with a statue in the middle and Olesya places lightning runes around it to break the spell.

In practice it means, that you’re facing waves of enemies in particular order. The spawns are fixed and once defeated/after certain time next wave is triggered. The fight consist out of eight phases/waves, with each phase having a sub-wave of enemies. Later phases have progressively more sub-waves, with the wave 8 having 9 sub-waves of enemies. If you die, you will respawn only at the end of the phase. That means, that if you die at the beginning of the last wave No 8, then you will be dead till either the rest of the team wins or dies trying.

The beginning spawns are fine, but around phase 5 things start to get tricky. Last phase is crazy, you will have a total of four bosses, all possible specials + multiple patrols spawning right after each other. Forget about defense in the corner, you will need to bring out your A-Game.

Luckily, spawns are fixed. You know what is coming and where it is coming from, so you can prepare for that. Still, I consider this map the ultimate vanilla VT2 challenge, as you will be forced to kite alone a boss (or bosses), patrols, random mobs and zerkers while trying to spot & eliminate different specials coming at you in very, very uncomortable combinations. Even high-level weaves are easier, as they can be cheesed.

Once all enemies are defeated, you unlock a treasure in the middle that will henceforth decorate your Taal’s Horn Keep and also get a sweet frame.


The problem with Fortunes of War is that it’s extremely dull, once you know the waves. It’s always the same spawns, so playing several rounds trying to win back to back is going to put you to sleep eventually.

@Heretical_Cactus idea adresses this wonderfully. Chaos Wastes doesn’t get boring that fast and it’s due to the randomized nature, randomized build options and the situations you face changing up a lot.

The more an arena mode is inspired by rogue light elements, the better it gets.

Thank you for the in depth explanation of it. It definitely seems like a fun Easter Egg, or sort of proving groind for players and builds.

But parroting what everyone here has already said, if its a full seperate game mode it would probably need more maps and non static waves.

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