Video here: Video
Two players in my previous lobby refused to get in the elevator unless I agreed to kick a new player. He was struggling but learning as he went, and I didn’t feel good about kicking someone right at the end of the mission, so I voted no. The two players refused to enter the elevator until I voted to kick them, which I wouldn’t do.
Since there’s two of them, I couldn’t have voted to kick them.
This ended when I talked the other player into baiting a few flamers into them and pushing a horde of poxwalkers in the way so they couldn’t walk out.
The players were:
[I removed these details, please inbox me if you’d like links to their profiles and steamIDs]
I’m not sure you are allowed to report people like that, BUT I totally agree with you.
That’s really bad teamplay.
You did everything right!
I totally sympathize with you, and by all means, report them, but posting Steam profiles on the forum is probably in violation of the forum guidelines.
Report people here:
You did good, giving that new player a chance to learn and get rewards.
This game is brutal enough as it is to the casual crowd.
Kind of silly that.
It would be different if studios made it clear that griefing (which really this is) was not only not acceptable, but also were prompt and effective in dealing with it. But we all know that studios can barely keep up with the tickets resulting from bugs. Much less actually respond in a meaningful timeframe to fix the damage griefers and their ilk cause. Hence why we have crap reporting tools (if any) that aren’t documented and never know if the miscreant got punished or even if the incident was ever investigated. Which in turn means lots of griefers get away without so much as a slap on the wrist.
“Naming and shaming” can be highly effective because it attaches a stigma to not only the initial offender but everyone who associates with them. All of a sudden people start shying away from the known griefer/cheater/ etc due to either personal dislike or just not wanting to become collateral damage when said pariah screws up again. Its that gutting of the social support network that really hurts. Without it people will start to give in to despair and then just plain leave. Really all it needs are some fences to keep players from abusing it.
Maybe FatShark should invest in a fully staffed CS team along with updating its policies. As long as they are the ones doing the naming & shaming and only listing banned accounts and their offenses it should be legally acceptable.
Had someone like that but it was the match after the “kicking fight” happend in an earlier match.
He was waffling on to this poor ogryn that hadn’t kicked some poor sod in earlier game.
Bit racist but in the old timey european kinda way “you should have kicked him because he was from this and that country”
Idk he wasn’t that good, not bad but average really writing cheques you can’t cash.
But the ogryn getting a trashing realy was great.
This was also an auric mission so don’t realy get why people acting like this?
It’s fun to carry newbs like an extra dificulty level
You perfectly described why this is a rule on the forum and why “Naming and shaming” shouldn’t be used.
Punishment for griefing is perfect, but should be done by the company and not a self-righteous mob.
Everyone can have a bad day, people are sometimes toxic, and “Naming and shaming” can easily turn a bad day that the griefer regrets into a whole lot of toxicity and harassment.
If the griefers are streaming or uploading their gameplay (where they griefed) it’s fine since it’s already public.
On that note. @FatsharkCatfish please look at this post!
Thanks, I wasn’t aware it was against the rules. I removed the links from the post, please inbox me if they’re needed
Thanks! I put a report in
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