Remove the Crafting Locks Please

That is all…

Seriously though, I’ve never played a game that takes over a week of daily play to (maybe) get something you want . I think I’m done with the game for now.

Hell, best solution if you (Fatshark) want to keep them SOOOO bad, at least let us take them off with diamantine.


and another one bites the dust


Pretty much what I was thinking when I was crafting transcendent after transcendent item, simply wanting to round out my build.


Memorialized you. I guess this is my part time job now.


…is to keep them on an internal build and remove them on the public release. :ok_hand:


Maybe they could make it to where if you have every tier of a blessing (1-4) you ‘master’ it and are able to apply it over locks. Just trying to think of what would require the least amount of rework to integrate with the current systems.

Honestly I would be happy with a modded realm at this point. Play whatever map I want with any modifier? Any weapon and curios how I want it? Solo mode with better bots? Crazy cosmetics? All pretty doable in the modding scene. Would probably be the first game I exclusively play in the modded realm and refuse to play vanilla.


if only we were 20 years younger (or older) to have time to reverse engineer all apis and make a custom realm.

ive set my google calendar reminder for monday, 18 may 2043, all day event for this :wink:

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I meant a move on fatsharks part. To quell all the people who don’t want their “vision” of the game. If they gave us a modded realm with the API’s ready to go.


Look this has become a rallying cry to write “Break the locks” or what not.

But this goes way beyond that.

  • inventory and resource sharing
  • resources conversion
  • tuning of existing weapons

The whole weapon and item is bland and uninspired to begin with. We are not gonna change that though.
But still we should get accessory slots to change on a mission screen to adapt to the conditions (torches on all guns, and some other stuff to think through like laser sights or quick switch mags, explosive shells or what not).

And customizable sights. These are so terrible in this game, why ?

But let’s face it, they will keep on ignoring this all, refuse to communicate, and the player base will keep on dropping 10% of the small base of remaining players every month.

It’s all nice and well to build your ivory tower to escape the mass of internet comments … until you can’t see s**t anymore.

Oh and I forgot : get rid of the 1 hour shop and of the pointless terribad weapons in Melk’s emporium.


Yeah, I would rather they didn’t extist at all.

Funny thing is, I think attachments would work fine in the current build of the game with a few more mechanics I think they plan on adding.

I think Fatshark is going to add a mechanic to move around or modify your weapons modifiers, with the cap still being 380 (probably). Then they could add attachments that boost your modifiers pass 80%. The attachments could just be positive effects or trade-off effects with positive and negative modifiers.

Thanks lol. Here to at least try to make a difference.

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