Regarding the number of Inventory Slots

Those posts are 2 years old… and this issue basically still exists (even if Illsuions do not count anymore, that is no fix imho), are there any news/plans/whatever regarding this, or maybe planed workarounds with an easier to use crafting system for example @Fatshark_Hedge ?

The limit is around 1000 items last I checked, which is a fair amount of stuff to be hoarding up. The worst offenders for hogging space now would be cosmetics and deeds. We have added ways players can more quickly salvage their stockpiles of items in recent weeks which can help those who had a big old pile of trash they couldn’t face breaking down.

We don’t have plans to increase the storage capacity of inventories. The difference between V1 where inventories were limitless and V2 where they’re capped is in V1 we used our own backend system, and in V2 we use a third party platform for it where you can’t just add limitless data.

This is a good thing, V1 inventories could get so large that the player could no longer log in. :expressionless:


Thank you for leaving comment. I have questions.

  1. I can’t open any chest now because of too many items include gears(weapon, charm, necklace, trinket), cosmetics and deeds. However, in this situation, I can create gears. Is this also intended ?

  2. Do you have plan to add savaging or deleting deeds which player has like salvaging gears?

  1. There is a cap, and a cap-cap, I believe. I don’t think it’s entirely intended however. We intentionally have the cap lower than the max it can be to avoid potential issues that could arise, and allow for expansion in the future if truly needed. (in thinking more on this, I believe the cap may be 750 items, and the cap-cap 1000).
  2. It’s on my wishlist for sure. It’s been one of those QOL changes which hits a roadblock with our intent to look at that system as a whole, an intent we haven’t yet quite got around to giving a big push.

Do the blacksmithing weapon templates count as inventory items? What about portrait frames?

They do indeed.


Personally, I think the given inventory amount is sufficient currently. I mean there are somewhere between 25-35 hats+armor per career (so about 175 items total) and maybe about 100 (less most likely, would have to count) frames. Then we add the weapon templates which are about 60-70 and you have in total less than 350 items if you have all cosmetics. Let’s say the general user also has less than 100 Deeds and we are at 450 items.

Which means you have an optional space of at least 300 items. As said, there are 70 weapons and most weapons have in average two red skins which makes about 150 for the collectors plus maybe 30 for Charms etc… The remaining 120 (if we take 750 as upper limit) are caused simply by hoarding or unusually high amount of Deeds. Still 50, if for some reason you also want one weapon with an applied Bögenhafen purple skin.

However, so or so, it is undeniable that the amount of items is increasing. This counts for new weapons naturally but also for new cosmetics and similar. One problem is that we currently have no way of removing deeds without playing them as well as cosmetics (in general or those we have double). I think it would help if we remove the cosmetics from the total counter and reduce the “free space” a bit (but less than the current amount of cosmetics) to not have to worry about hats but to still discourage hoarding. One doesn’t need every weapon in the game in four different variations/stats.

Thank you for answering!

We have added ways players can more quickly salvage their stockpiles of items in recent weeks

I would really like these functions to be available through the Controller UI menu layout (which is still BETA, but I only use it, even playing on a PC with a mouse and keyboard - because it’s prettier and better!)

And I hope that Weave-forged weapons are really separate and do not count towards the inventory places?

And finally, after the release Grail Knight DLC, the my game constantly “forgets” the changes in the characters equipment, I wrote about this bug reports many times . Something can be done?

(Apologies if off-topic)

We did add those in the most recent update I think.

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I also thought so after patch 3.3, but I did not find these filters in the Controller UI, compare:

Please explain.

Ah perhaps we added a controller option to the PC UI, I’ll need to double check. This whole ‘supporting two UIs’ thing needs to change ;D

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I currently have 269 cosmetic items (hats + hero skins), so they take a significant chunk of inventory space.

With a current count of 234 red weapons for all characters combined, I’m actually almost at the 750 cap (748 inventory items in total). I’ve never had an “inventory full” message yet, though. I think that if cosmetic items did not count towards the cap in the manner of weapon illusions, that would help with inventory space issues quite a bit.


Exactly. The equipment itself is not the contender for the most space used. Skins, Deeds and all the other nonsense that fills the slots is what makes the cap just not work.

Iam far from a collector and have around 200ish reds in my inventory. Two copies, sometimes three, of each weapon and a load of charms and Trinkets. I cant open 60 chests without having to start salvaging, which is something I had to find out after thinking I could start opening chests via makro to get the last missing skins. (I scraped that Idea.)

Space is already short, but with the hopefully plentiful additions to the game, that are still in the making, that problem will get frustrating. Not counting in cosmetics would help alot for the time being.


Yes exactly.

Even if we don’t take into account people who just want to have every red weapon with every illusion in their inventory. Just players who have 1 weapon with different properties or traits on them to switch between them more easily, thats easily alot of weapons.

We are lucky most traits are bad and most weapons use swift slaying or 1/2 of the same trait, but what if they rework all the traits or properties, and we actually have a use for every one?

Ofcourse the better solution for this would be to rework the rerolling system and make us choose what we want like the athenor + save previously chosen combinations.

Like currently i have: 1 staff with barrage, 1 staff with heat sink, 1 staff with hunter, 1 with thermal.
for every staff so thats like 5*4 = 20 items just for ranged weapons. Yes you could remove some, as some traits aren’t as effective on every staff, but still i like to be able to switch when i want to, and this is purely looking at traits, not even taking into account properties.

(Not all meant for you @Radina.Shevu, i agree with you and wanted to add my opinion)


If you have collected every limited-time collectible, and once you buy out the entirety of Lohner’s Emporium, you would end up with 472 items that count towards the inventory limit (Weapon Blueprints, Hats, Hero Skins and Portraits).

If the inventory limit is 750, that means you would have 278 free slots to use if you collected it all. And that is only with the current collectibles. With more events, more items added to Lohner’s store, more premium cosmetics, more weave seasons, more weapons and more classes with new hats and skins, we are going to get a lot more of these collectible items. Eventually, this amount of collectibles is going to severely limit our choices. I am already feeling the effects of this myself.

Some minor things to take into account:
Chest stacks also take space towards the inventory limit. If you have stacks of every type of chest, that is another 24 items for the difficulty chests, 1 for the Commendation Chest and 1 for the Bögenhafen Chest for a total of 26.

And then there’s the Deeds. Every Deed takes up 1 inventory space.

And let us not forget about duplicate hats and skins from Commendation Chests and Bögenhafen Chests.

All in all, this leaves too little inventory space, and it will only get worse in the future. Please consider doing something about this Fatshark.

Making the cap 900 and the cap-cap 1000 would give us a lot more freedom. Alternatives would be to do the same thing with Portraits, hats and skins that you did with weapon illusions. The latter would also resolve the problem with duplicates.

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Expanding the inventory slots is simply papering over the cracks. The entire loot and crafting system in Vermintide 2 is a clunky mess designed to increase the amount of grind a player is expected to go through. Grind does not equal player engagement. The whole concept is flawed. Long term players continue to play because of the core combat experience, not for some dumbass skins. It took me 2.3K hours to get all the reds and I have to say that now that I don’t give a damn about chests the game is far more fun. Each win is not punctuated by the disappointment of yet another freaking duplicate. I’m not opposed to some grind. Nothing that you get for free is rewarding, but be reasonable - 200-300 hours on legend or cata should be enough to get all skins. At minimum duplicate skins should be eliminated. If Fatshark truly respect the time of their players then they should make the athanor and the Emporium (and a few challenges) the only source of weapons and skins. Let players figure out what they want and work towards it in a rational way. No more RNG bullsh#t! It makes an otherwise engaging game frustrating. If Darktide has the same loot system, then I’ll take a hard pass.

And fix deeds already! Why is the drop rate so low and RNG? The achievement portraits are for completing deeds NOT acquiring them. For the love of Sigmar, please correct these moronic design decisions.

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Wait, do they really? I have 1300+ unopened chests (1100+ emperor vaults and 200+ commendation chests) and I can still open any new random chest I find to salvage stuff.

Nevermind, I think I misunderstood. You meant that each different stack of chests occupies one inventory slot, right? So, whatever the stack size, my thousand chests actually occupy only 2 slots: 1 for emperor vaults and 1 for commendation chests.


Yep, that’s what I meant. Will edit my other post to make it more clear.


Yes, because they were the only posts where Hedge had commented about player inventories.

Until now :wink:

@Fatshark_Hedge I have no problems with the inventories. I dislike clutter so I scrap what I don’t use/need plus I like logging into the game :smiley:

Wow this is a new low (high) for a completionist…