The GG of the Ogryn is falling behind on what it’s suppose to be. It’s a strong weapon meant for dealing with specials/elites, but with only 4 shots and the 2nd longest reload of all Ogryn ranged weapons, it’s having trouble keeping up. Since the increase of specials/elites and the introduction of patrols to the game, 4 shots just isn’t enough and the reload takes way too long when it comes to dealing with all the enemies thrown at us on higher difficulties now. On High Intensity Shock Troop you can kill four enemies with 4 shots and before you can even reload, 4 more have taken their place and you can never find time to reloal and just pray your partners keep the enemies off you long enough to finish the animation so you don’t have to cancel mid load to protect yourself.
Since the kickback was buff, it can do most of what the GG can do, but better. The only thing the GG has over Kickback is the ability to deal SOME Carapace damage and that’s it. In order for the GG to get some identity of it’s own, the Explosive Punch needs a massive damage upgrade. The whole point of it is risk/reward and currently it barely does more damage than a normal shot. It’s all risk and no reward and the only bonus you get for using Explosive Punch is it’s ability to activate bleed (if you even use that skill from the tree). The Explosive Punch should do a lot more damage than a normal shot and should be able to two shot Crushers without any kind of special build as long as the GG has very high stats. Even if you make the Explosive Punch damaged based on the Melee stat, that would still be better compared to what it is right now as long as the current Punch is based on a 0% Melee stat.