Reduce Penance difficulty for Veteran

The Overwatch and Make Every Shot Count penance for veteran is currently encouraging a lot of toxic and grinding gameplays. People would just exit the game once they fail the challenge mid-game. Or just be useless and trying to not helping the team by focus on the penance. This make no sense for a co-op game for penance to encourage player to not work with each others. It would be better to reduce the difficulty to achieve 90%-95% of accuracy which allows them miss one shot or two; or allowed to get less then 3 melee hit for complete the penance. It would help with the game a lot. And make penance less a bitter grinding experience and reduce player’s frustration.


These are why I’m not a big fan of optional bonus objectives in games, people get way too focused on them. If players just let the achievements come when they earn them without grinding for them, it wouldn’t be a problem, but if they know how to get them some people will always grind for them.

Another huge problem is those penance are basically cosmetic block. Many people want free in-game cosmetic helmet and armor instead of paying extra for a better looking helmet. If those are purely penance that did not work as a requirement to get cosmetic, players will most likely not grinding for them at the first place.

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Very true. I wouldn’t give a damn if it weren’t because it blocked for that T3 helmet that I sorta fancy.

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And those penance helmet are currently deformed in some short female characters like mine. It is just the rebreather that matter for this helmet. If they give out a beta helmet with rebreather (and better with goggles or fully closed), I would happily ignore this penance.

ive seen what youre talking about. the bump-map on them is scuffed somehow. ive seen somehting like it before on other objects in other games

Everyone’s penances are ridiculous, but I think psyker’s are the worst, you literally need all 4 people on your team to help you to have a slight chance of finishing them.

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