Recommended blessings?

It’s Lacerate+Mercy Killer.


Upon further consideration I think Uncanny + Executor. Lacerate isn’t doing jack except against unyielding enemies. Meanwhile uncanny more than triples your damage against crushers, making combat blade very solid against them. Also helps decently on flak though they die pretty fast anyway.

Only reason anyone likes lacerate is to proc Zealot feats, which is honestly kinda unnecessary with the base crit rate.

Mercy killer might be alright on Zealot but on other classes it requires you to also have lacerate it fleah tearer which is not at all worth.

It’s there for Mercy Killer. That’s where the damage comes from.

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That’s kinda my point though, mercy killer isn’t worth devoting two blessings to. Weakpoint bonuses usually aren’t huge total damage increases. I think executor and uncanny are probably getting you more damage in more situations but I’d have to do some gameplay with both to be sure.

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Is there any guidance on what base rating an item needs when upgrading to blue to be able to have a chance for all blessings? Can you try tier 4 blessings on a blue upgrade?

i got two of these in a row early on and i thought they were more common than they seem to be? they definitely like rolling on higher level items but will roll on at least, god i think they were 340s that got them for me. neither were the chase though (T4 rampage and sunderer on power sword) if there is any meaningful weighing.

Sorry - what does this term mean?

Else thanks for the recommendations and discussion.

Does anyone have sensible suggestions to the following weapons?


Infantry Lasgun

Infantry autogun

Lucius Lasgun

Headhunter autogun

Plasma gun

It’s short for Ascendant Blaze, the level 30 feat that makes your Ult set things on fire.


A good starting point Falter (adds major stagger on weak spot hit) and Ghost, which is a sort of “safety” build. Ghost gives you the ability to chain headshots and resist a lot of return fire. Falter is amazing for interrupting ranged elites, but also staggering charging pox hounds or other specials. Obviously relies on having good aim.

Another approach is Falter + No Respite (adds up to +20% damage to staggered enemies), so you’re staggering enemies and dealing a bunch of bonus damage. If you’re comfortable without ghost, this is a good option.

The third approach is Deadly Accurate paired with with a crit chance blessing - ideally Crucian Roulette.

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not surgical tho, it’s very bad since it restarts every time you fire

PSA: Keep in mind Blaze Away also resets when you aim (right click) on both Rumbler and Kickback (1 stack limit on aim).

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