Blessings staff "Surge"

I wanted to know if someone has tested the “Surge” blessing on the “Voidstrike” Staff and if like the other sticks it only duplicates the light attack on critical or if it also duplicates its charged attacks on it? Thanks in advance if anyone has an answer!

Yes it does work for Void’s charged attack

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It looks amazing then! With critical on your level of danger, that makes perhaps the best combination on this weapon?

Probably Warp Nexus as second blessing. And mastery of animation canceling with R :wink:

Surge is an R4 blessing?

Yes it’s rare T4 Blessing, but since Blessing’s pool are quite small for Void Staff - chances of getting it are not bad at all.
Also there are funny alternative Warp Nexus + Soul Blaze and Wildfire feat on top. And i said Funny, not good, or bad. Try it out just for lulz :slight_smile:

I actually upgraded countless amount of voidstrike staffs trying to get this blessing and ended up just uninstalling the game.

“chances of getting it are not bad at all”

Literally never rolled a single tier 4 blessing on a voidstrike staff or had one from Sire Melk once yet nevermind this blessing.

GG Not even sure why I checked the forums today.


I rolled my first T2 (just T2) Slaughterer for Force Sword after 650 hours of Karktide.
So “no bad at all” in comparison to old Korean MMO RNG like Lineage 2 when chances of getting something in fractions of decimals of pecents.

Thank you for your advice @Wyck !

I just farm T3 by upgrading green/grey items. T4 are reserved to Milk’s shop and the Emperor’s gift from hi-five missions etc. Yes, the system is dreadful. Psyker has the worst of it, as their unique weapons are mixed in with normal weapons, lowering the chance of getting what you want even further. Ogryn cannot take advantage of blessings farmed on different classes either.

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Is there a problem with crafting on the Psyker? Because on my veteran and my ogryn I succeeded after several craft 375+ to have R4. Now I end up with 540+ ilvl weapons. But the psyker, I just made 3 craft including 2 376ilvl and the other 378. I had only one R3, the rest only R2 … it disgusts!

We psyker’s have suffered so greatly. But we must persevere sibling :stuck_out_tongue:

Boy I feel that when checking melk’s on my characters each day. Between “blessings not shared for ogryn” and “loot table cluttered with non-class weapons”, I’d take the ogryn’s situation any day. I started buying stuff I don’t even use on my psyker just to spend currency I’ve been sitting on.

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I just love bricking each and every 370+ Surge staffs with nearly perfect stat distribution in Hadron’s casino. Each and every one of them BRICKED - always 2 bad perks.
But when i’m consecrating Below 370 Surge staffs - neat or even god roll every time…

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I again made 6 crafts out of 376 minimum and the max was 379. I only had procs in trumps/benefits R2/R3. With a lot of R2 especially… it’s a scandal… Spent 800,000 golds on the same weapons to have only 6 clean ones and waste them just as quickly because there are only R2 procs

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