Psyker stave variety

Can we get a new psyker staff at some point. I’m pretty sure we haven’t gotten any staves unless you want to count the staves the game launched with.
Or could we get some flexibility with some of the blessings because for example the surge staff has 3 rank 4 blessings. I think it’d be cool if the surge staff had access to the application of soul fire on crit blessing the trauma staff has access to for example.


I see unique/new blessings ‘Clonk’, ‘Explosion Zone’ and ‘Shrapnel’ for the Ogryn’s Rumbler (a weapon with 1 less blessing per tier than this staff) so I think new blessings are a sure thing all around.

I want for T4 blazing spirit on trauma myself…another 2-3 soulblaze stacks max delivered by that AoE would be grand.


Glacier staff, left 1 erect a solid ice barrier roughly ogryn sized up to 15m in
front of you (45 peril).
Left 2, charge for 1s after which you slam the ground and in a 5m radius all non
boss/monster enemies are instantly frozen, and get 1 stack of shockfrost (as long
as this unit remains frozen, it takes 50% more melee damage, but 50% less
ranged dmg. (95 peril).
Special, attuned parry, cover yourself in a shimmering veil that when struck by
an enemy gets consumed and freezes the foe, and applies 2 stacks of shockfrost
for 1.5s. (remains active for 1s)(not spamable but free).

Just going off of VT2, I think we have the Beam and Coruscation Staves as viable future options that aren’t in some way already covered by another staff or blitz.

As a small tangent to this, I also think that staffs should have cooler specials than just a melee combo no one uses. Switching to your melee is an equally viable strategy in most cases. Even if we were to keep the melee aspect, I think having it be imbued with a thematic effect (For example: Surge being like the mace tazer, Purge lighting enemies on fire, trauma having a bit of an AOE/more knockback and void dealing more damage/cleave with a little void bubble on the tip.) would at least make the specials more ‘special’.

I also want to propose the potential of “Staff Mks”. For example, a Purge that charges a big fireball instead of a stream, or Trauma with different shaped AOE (Perhaps a big circle centered on the player or a line that’s harder to hit with but does more damage). Or a void that fires a volley of little orbs instead of one strong big one. This could be another way to add much needed variety to the space magic stick family.

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