20% chance for an addition surge or base it on crit hits like the Voidstrike blessing, iirc, to work its way back to you completing the circuit, via a different route if possible or hitting some targets twice, prioritizing highest threat first… Say crushers for example.
AC - Is both ways -Alternating current
DC - The normal one way - Direct current
Bit nervous about my psyker completing the circuit. That sounds like a health and safety issue.
But I like the idea. I preferred the surge staff before patch 13, when it did wide area stuns on many targets. The current version is fewer targets, higher damage, which I don’t enjoy as much. A change that increases the target numbers gets a thumbs up from me if it makes it closer to how it used to be.
Surge staff has been left behind by power creep IMO. Being single target + half really limits it’s potential compared to to the old surge that did less damage but reliably spread between six targets. It just can’t keep up on hi-shock, let alone maelstrom because the DPS just isn’t good enough. There’s no reason why surge should be weaker than the other staves. Void/Trauma/Purgation all have hilariously uncapped splash damage potential that scales directly to the number of enemies caught in the blast.
A surge-type blessing would be neat, but I think they should also look into boosting the number of targets hit.
More targets could be another blessing - Shock Splash.
With number of extra targets = to the level of the blessing.
The biggest disappointment for me is that the Surge staff has only 3 tier 4 blessing all shared with the other staves it has no unique blessing to it’s self or a variety to choose from.