New maps, new weapons, new cosmetics, new anything. The once-a-month weapon stat tweaks are really exciting and all but this game really needs some life breathed into it.
End of April and end of May will see new “content drops”. Whatever that means.
Keep holding out, reject. More bastard heretics to slay soon enough!
For a live service game things are really coming in at a blistering pace, eh?
Better pay 30% of the game’s value on a cosmetic set on top of buying the game itself to make sure that the game is supported since it’s a live service. Those live service features don’t pay for themselves.
That’s because content creation was put on the backburner for a while, until the game “is fixed”. Whatever that means.
They made that decision right after launch after they were bombarded with critique for the launch itself.
So the game isn’t really in “Live Service” mode right now.
Just so. Maybe I should have phrased it “This game needs some live service breathed into it.”
To be fair monthly content updates, minor as they are, is breakneck speed for FS. I remember months of silence in between VT2 updates, pretty much anything is an improvement on that.
It absolutely needs to be better though. Hopefully one day they’ll fix the game enough to get back on their “one new class per quarter” goal they used to advertize.
I’m aware. I was mostly on a kick from a couple topics that came back asking to bring back the paid cosmetics so they can support the live service model as if that’s been active at all. So perhaps some misplaced sarcasm on my part.
Though, being real, considering how much they’ve actually managed to put out since that letter (2+ months), my tinfoil hat inside my head makes me have some serious doubts that they had anything ready anyway
But yeah. Game really does need some new maps at the very least right now. The limited amount available in the tilesets really makes it feel like there’s not a lot of variety and gets tiring pretty fast. Especially since we can’t always pick what level we want and is limited more by what difficulties are available.
Remember that the 2 game development doesn’t slow this game’s content roll out one bit. After all we got another backwards version of a map and 2 weapon packs they forgot they put in promos. Like the power maul and ironhelm on the loading screen.
New sub classes would be nice.
Paycurium should be replaced with an actual story and robot missions to test builds to liking. Multiplayer should add more nuances to keep gameplay fun but relatively the same with additions to weapons, maps, enemies and classes.
Game is doing it all wrong.
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